CRNA GORA ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU SAOPŠTENjE Broj47 Podgorica, 29.04. 2011.godine Prilikom koriš4enja ovih podataka navesti izvor TURIZAM U MARTU 2011. TOURISM, MARCH 2011. U Crnoj Gori u martu 2011, ostvareno je 18 516 dolazaka turista što je za 7,6 % više u odnosu na mart 2010, dok je broj ostvarenih no4enja od 70 336, manji za 1,3 %.Od toga su 31, 8% no4enja ostvarili doma4i, a 68,2 % strani turisti. U prva tri mjeseca 2011. godine, ostvareno je 49 730 dolazaka turista, što predstavlja pove4anje od 2,6 % u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. Turisti su u ovom periodu ostvarili 182 093 no4enja, što je za 5,6 % manje u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. Broj no4enja doma4ih turista ve4i je za 6,7 %, dok je broj no4enja stranih turista manji za 10,5%. U strukturi no4enja stranih turista, u martu 2011. najviše no4enja ostvarili su turisti iz Srbije ( 23, 5%), Bosne i Hercegovine (8,6%), Rusije (7,4%), Albanije (3,4%), vanevropskih zemalja (3,2%). U strukturi no4enja po vrstama turisti:kih najviše no4enja ostvareno je u primorskim mjestima ( 71,8%), glavnom gradu (11,2%), ostalim turisti:kim mjestima (8,9%) zatim slijede planinska i. In March 2011, tourists realised 18 516 arrivals, which is 7,6% more than in March 2010. Tourists made 70 336 overnight stays, which is 1,3 % less than in March 2010. Overnights stays of domestic tourists represented 31,8 %, while the foreign tourists represented 68,2% of all overnight stays in March 2011. In the first three months of this year tourists realised 49 730 arrivals, which is 2,6% more compared to the same period last year and 182 093 overnight stays, which is 5,6% less compared to the same period last year. Number of overnight stays of domestic tourists increased by 6,7%, while the number of overnight stays of foreign tourists decreased by 10,5%. Concerning the structure of foreign tourists overnights stays,in March 2011, the most of them were realised by tourists from Serbia ( 23,5%), Bosnia and Herzegovina ( 8,6%), Russia (7,4%), Albania (3,4%), non-european countries (3,2%). Concerning the structure of overnight stays by type of, the most of them were realised in seaside (71,8%), in capital city ( 11,2%), other touristic (8,9%) than in mountain and other.
Tabela 1: Dolasci i noenja turista, Mart 2011 Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, March 2011 Number Broj Indices Indeksi III 11 I-III 11 III 11 III 10 I-III 11 I-III 10 Tourist arrivals Dolasci turista Total/ukupno 18,516 49,370 107,6 102,6 100 Domestic tourists 5,292 15,456 127,3 111,8 31 Doma4i turisti foreign tourists 13,224 34,274 101,3 98,9 69 Strani turisti Overnight stays No4enja Total/ukupno 70,336 182,093 98,7 94,4 100 Domestic tourists 22,362 59,153 114,5 106,7 33 Doma4i turisti Foreign tourists Strani turisti 47,974 122,940 92,7 89,5 67 Structure (%) I-III 11 Tabela 2: Dolasci turista prema vrstama turisti'kih, januar-mart 2011 Arrivals of tourists by type of, January-March, 2011
TURIZAM / TOURISM Dolasci i noenja turista po zemljama i prema vrsti Tourist arrivals and tourist overnight stays by country and type of resort 2010 Kumulativ I - III 2011 2010 2011 I II III Dolasci turista Tourist arrivals Ukupno 1262985 48472 49730 15374 15840 18516 Total Doma4i 175191 13828 15456 5830 4334 5292 Domestic Strani 1087794 34644 34274 9544 11506 13224 Foreigners Noenja turista ukupno 7964893 192846 182093 56006 55751 70336 Tourist overnight stays total Noenja domaih turista 987033 55444 59153 20803 15988 22362 Overnight stays of domestic tourists Noenja stranih turista 6977860 137402 122940 35203 39763 47974 Overnight stays of foreigners Albanija 189074 10294 9838 3859 3602 2377 Albania Austrija 58785 1556 1486 254 303 929 Austria Belgija 48063 316 235 86 76 73 Belgium Bosna i Hercegovina 731633 23143 15534 3426 6024 6084 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bugarska 18967 986 747 345 242 160 Bulgaria Aeška Republika 165050 236 292 51 65 176 Czech Republic Danska 7606 194 178 43 87 48 Danmark Finska 6370 190 162 51 43 68 Finland Francuska 233959 1702 1334 419 244 671 France Gr:ka 6974 673 381 91 129 161 Greece Holandija 21588 1706 640 87 123 430 Netherlands Hrvatska 66161 5314 5040 1191 1891 1958 Croatia Italija 199617 5155 6974 3025 2054 1895 Italy MaCarska 183031 814 520 97 247 176 Hungary Makedonija 163961 11647 5410 1372 1676 2362 Macedonia Norveška 55550 445 452 105 180 167 Norway Njema:ka 151843 1990 2121 538 542 1041 Germany Poljska 84053 270 288 84 101 103 Poland Rumunija 84838 563 1969 406 715 848 Romania Rusija 1217978 10868 17729 7230 5314 5185 Russia Slova:ka 52353 179 281 29 108 144 Slovakia Slovenija 106016 2627 2273 514 911 848 Slovenia Srbija 1) 2097051 36307 36238 8675 11052 16511 Serbia 1) Švajcarska 29117 537 340 56 98 186 Switzerland Švedska 50542 544 513 230 139 144 Sweden Ukrajina 167874 634 843 321 234 288 Ukrain Velika Britanija 115428 1675 1663 380 427 856 Great Britain Ostale evropske zemlje 568629 11201 4886 1217 1811 1852 European countries Izrael 19729 179 168 16 26 126 Israel Kanada 7231 362 559 112 143 304 Canada SAD 33820 2769 1536 338 462 736 USA Ostale vanevropske zemlje 35149 2326 2310 555 694 1061 non-european countries Noenja po vrstama Overnight stays by type of tourist 7964893 192846 182093 56006 55751 70336 ukupno total Glavni administrativni centar 112569 23105 21731 7772 6096 7863 Main administrative center Primorska 7643320 129639 120960 30965 39482 50513 Coastal Planinska 123151 25563 23002 10795 6573 5634 Mountain Ostala turisti:ka 83896 14246 16182 6440 3491 6251 tourist Ostala 1957 293 218 34 109 75 places Primorska Coastal Bar 1093676 50426 25735 8967 7876 8892 Bar Budva 3438875 26133 34246 12278 9513 12455 Budva Kotor 255185 2644 2248 498 709 1041 Kotor Tivat 268625 6064 16032 3586 5276 7170 Tivat Ulcinj 790309 8647 5137 2131 1534 1472 Ulcinj Herceg Novi 1796650 35725 37562 3505 14574 19483 Herceg Novi
TURIZAM / TOURISM DOLASCI I NO8ENJA GOSTIJU PO VRSTAMA TURISTI<KIH MJESTA TOURIST ARRIVALS AND TOURIST OVERNIGHT STAYS BY TYPE OF PLACE glavni grad Capital primorska Coastal Dolasci / Arrivals planinska Mountain turisti:ka tourist places glavni grad Capital primorska Coastal No4enja / Nights planinska Mountain turisti:ka tourist 2005 29819 747734 19185 23599 120 53886 5022260 53577 82003 121 2006 39295 859904 26362 28144 223 74169 5691770 68424 101677 230 2007 45588 1010742 39158 37642 302 104986 6961444 105892 121871 337 2008 50393 1058825 38304 40229 365 111271 7459794 102560 120682 434 2009 49166 1081805 41161 34623 939 103464 7244830 99500 102208 2004 Ø I III 2010 3822 7938 2903 1433 61 7702 43213 8521 4749 98 Ø I III 2011 3449 8474 3116 1504 33 7244 40320 7667 5394 73 2010 III 4521 9033 2052 1538 62 9128 52014 5288 4764 95 IV 4403 18073 1915 1471 59 8044 81183 4561 3098 177 V 4623 67793 3305 3365 62 8863 352550 6576 9618 118 VI 4774 108161 5170 3139 92 8696 775950 12671 9217 332 VII 5545 304708 6201 3768 65 12466 2052393 17842 11487 119 VIII 5124 412601 8895 5535 113 13194 3116214 22922 16349 255 IX 4974 159273 7231 4065 93 11972 955659 16003 7855 224 X 4531 19915 1948 2222 93 9943 102556 6375 5174 119 XI 4846 9783 998 1425 64 9019 48715 5326 3535 183 XII 3662 6958 2172 1252 48 6882 28846 5312 3317 137 2011 I 3243 6945 3638 1532 16 7772 30965 10795 6440 34 II 3191 8140 3279 1181 49 6096 39482 6573 3491 109 III 3914 10337 2432 1800 33 7863 50513 5634 6251 75 I III 2011/ I III 2010 90.3 106.7 107.3 104.9 54.1 94.0 93.3 90,1 113.6 74.5 DOLASCI I NO8ENJA TURISTA / TOURIST ARRIVALS AND TOURIST OVERNIGHT STAYS places Dolasci/Arrivals No4enja / Nights ukupno / Total doma4i / Domestic strani / Foreign ukupno / Total doma4i / Domestic strani / Foreign 2005 820457 548452 272005 5211847 3628337 1583510 2006 953928 576130 377798 5936270 3740179 2196091 2007 1133432 149294 984138 7294530 851045 6443485 2008 1188116 156904 1031212 7794741 828462 6966279 2009 1207694 163680 1044014 7552006 856332 6695674 Ø I III 2010 16157 4609 12215 64282 18481 45801 Ø I III 2011 16576 5152 11425 60698 19718 40980 2010 III 17206 4157 13049 71289 19528 51761 IV 25921 5097 20824 97063 17740 79323 V 79148 13777 65371 377725 62229 315496 VI 121336 15175 106161 806866 91662 715204 VII 320827 40815 279472 2094307 250787 1843520 VIII 432268 48203 384065 3168934 338858 2830076 IX 175636 23242 152394 991713 106856 884857 X 28709 6451 22258 124167 30615 93552 XI 17116 3748 13368 66778 17671 49107 XII 14092 4855 9237 44494 15171 29323 2011 I 15374 5830 9544 56006 20803 35203 II 15840 4334 11506 55751 15988 39763 III 18516 5292 13224 70336 22362 47974 I III 2011/ I III 2010 102.6 111.8 93.5 94.4 106.7 89.5
METODOLOŠKA OBJAŠNJENJA NOTES ON METHODOLOGY Izvori i metodi prikupljanja podataka Podaci o turisti:kom prometu ( broj dolazaka i no4enja turista ) prikupljaju se redovnim Mjese:nim izvještajem o dolascima i no4enjima turista u smještajnim objektima. ( obrazac TU-11).Izvještaji se sastavljaju na osnovu evidencija u knjigama gostiju koje vode recepcijske službe ugostiteljskih i drugih organizacija koje pružaju smještaj turistima. Obuhvat Mjese:nim izvještajima o broju posjetilaca i no4enja obuhva4ene su sve ugostiteljske i druge organizacije koje pružaju usluge smještaja turistima. I pored toga, izvjestan broj turista i no4enja ostvarenih u privatnim ku4ama i sobama ostaje neobuhva4en usljed neprijavljivanja gostiju od strane vlasnika objekata. Definicije Turista je svaka osoba osoba koja u mjestu van svoga prebivališta provede najmanje jednu no4 u ugostiteljskom ili drugom objektu za smještaj turista radi odmora ili rekreacije, zdravlja, studija, sporta, religije, porodice,poslova, javnih misija ili skupova. U turiste se ne uklju:uju migranti, pograni:ni radnici,diplomate, :lanovi vojnih snaga na redovnim zadacima, izbjeglice itd. Prebivalište je mjesto u kojem se osoba nastanila s namjerom da u njemu stalno živi. Turista je registrovan u svakom mjestu ili objektu u kojem boravi i zbog toga, u slu:aju promjene ili objekta dolazi do njegovog ponovnog iskazivanja, a time i do dvostrukosti u podacima.statistika evidentira broj dolazaka, a ne turista. Sources and methods of data collection Data on tourist turnover have been collected by regular Monthly Report on tourists arrivals and tourist nights in accommodation establishments (form TU-11). Reports are usually made on the basis of reception records in guest books. Coverage Monthly report on tourists arrivals and nights covers all catering and other organizations that provide accommodation services to tourists.besides that,a certain number of tourists and overnight stays in private accommodation is still left out as an unregistered turnover, due to the fact that some owners of private accommodation don t report their guests. Definitions Tourist is a person who spends at least one night in an accommodation facility or some other objects for accommodation of tourists, in a place other than his/her place of permanent residence for the reasons of rest or recreation, health, studies, sports, religion, family, business, public missions or meetings. Tourists do not include migrants, border workers, diplomats, members of military force in the regular duty, refugees, etc. Residence is a place where the person came with the intention of permanent stay. Tourists is registered in every place or facility where he/she stays, and due to that, in case he/she changes the place or facility the double reporting may appears,which leads to the double data.therefore, the statistics records the arrivals of tourists. Domai turista je osoba sa prebivalištem u CG, koja privremeno boravi u nekom drugom mjestu izvan svog prebivališta preno4i bar jednu no4 u ugostiteljskom ili nekom drugom objektu za smještaj turista. Strani turista je osoba sa prebivalištem izvan CG koja privremeno boravi u nekom mjestu u CG i preno4i bar jednu no4 u ugostiteljskom ili nekom drugom objektu za smještaj turista. Domestic tourist is a person with permanent residence in MNE who temporarily resides in any place in MNE and spends at least one one night in an accommodation facility. Foreign tourist is a person with permanent residence outside MNE, who temporarily resides in any place in MNE and spends at least one one night in an accommodation. Izdaje i štampa Zavod za statistiku Crne Gore (MONSTAT) 81000 Podgorica, IV Proleterske br.2, telefon (+382) 20 230-814, telefaks (+382) 20 230-837 Za dalje informacije: Ivana Boškovi e-mail: telefon: +382 20 230 837 Elektronska pošta/ @ Podaci iz ovog saopštenja objavljuju se i na internetu.