Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek I Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku Department of Biology (University of Osijek) I Odjel za biologiju Sveučilišta u Osijeku Department of Chemistry (University of Osijek) I Odjel za kemiju Sveučilišta u Osijeku Department of Physics (University of Osijek) I Odjel za fiziku Sveučilišta u Osijeku Faculty of Food Technology Osijek (University of Osijek) I Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku Faculty of Medicine (University of Osijek) I Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (University of Osijek) I Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Osijeku Young Scientists Conference May 23 rd and 24 th 2019, Osijek, Croatia BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Skup mladih znanstvenika 23. i 24. svibnja 2019. godine, Osijek, Hrvatska KNJIGA SAŽETAKA ISBN 978-953 - 7005-60 - 3
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS KNJIGA SAŽETAKA 2 nd Young Scientists Days Young Scientists Conference, Osijek 2. Dani mladih istraživača Skup mladih znanstvenika u Osijeku Organizing Committee Organizacijski odbor Scientific Committee Znanstveni odbor Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology Department of Chemistry Tanja Žuna Pfeiffer (Department of Biology) President Jelena Bijelić (Department of Chemistry) President Anamarija Stanković (Department of Chemistry) Silvija Šafranko (Faculty of Food Technology Osijek) Tatjana Šafarik (Department of Chemistry) Igor Đerđ (Department of Chemistry) Ivna Štolfa Čamagajevac (Department of Biology) Mirna Velki (Department of Biology) Dubravka Špoljarić Maronić (Department of Biology) Anita Galir Balkić (Department of Biology) Stela Jokić (Faculty of Food Technology Osijek) Kristina Selthofer-Relatić (Faculty of Medicine Osijek) Zvonko Antunović (Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek) Igor Lukačević (Department of Physics Osijek) Martina Medvidović-Kosanović (Department of Chemistry) Martina Šrajer Gajdošik (Department of Chemistry) Tomislav Balić (Department of Chemistry) Elvira Kovač-Andrić (Department of Chemistry) Rosemary Vuković (Department of Biology) Zorana Katanić (Department of Biology) Mirta Sudarić Bogojević (Department of Biology) Lidija Begović (Department of Biology) Honorary Committee Počasni odbor Vlado Guberac (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek) Dražan Kozak (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek) Sonja Vila (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek) Drago Šubarić (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek) Robert Raponja (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek) Ljiljana Krstin (Department of Biology) Berislav Marković (Department of Chemistry) Jurislav Babić (Faculty of Food Technology Osijek) Krunoslav Zmaić (Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek) Vanja Radolić (Department of Physics Osijek) Jure Mirat (Faculty of Medicine Osijek) Published by / Izdavači Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology Department of Chemistry Faculty of Food Technology Osijek Editors / Urednici Proofreading / Lektoriranje Tihomir Živić Design and Layout / Grafička priprema Silvija Šafranko Anamarija Stanković, Silvija Šafranko, Ivna Štolfa Čamagajevac, Tanja Žuna Pfeiffer, Tihomir Živić CIP zapis dostupan u računalnom katalogu Gradske i sveučilišne knjižnice Osijek pod brojem 141119096.
Auspices and sponsors Under the high auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar - Kitarović Pokrovitelji i sponzori Pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Predsjednice RH Kolinde Grabar Kitarović Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku Osijek-Baranja County Osječko-baranjska županija City of Osijek Grad Osijek Croatian Chemical Society Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo (HKD) Labena d.o.o., Croatia Labena d.o.o., Hrvatska Inchoo Osijek Inchoo Osijek Zagrebacka Banka UniCredit Zagrebačka banka UniCredit Inspecto d.o.o., Croatia Inspecto d.o.o., Hrvatska Pivovara Osijek d.o.o., Croatia Pivovara Osijek d.o.o., Hrvatska Kutjevo d.d., Croatia Kutjevo d.d., Hrvatska Ru-Ve d.o.o., Croatia Ru-Ve d.o.o., Hrvatska Kefo d.o.o., Croatia Kefo d.o.o., Hrvatska
Biosistemi grupa d.o.o. Biosistemi grupa d.o.o. Karolina d.o.o., Croatia Karolina d.o.o., Hrvatska Slavonska polja, Croatia Slavonska polja, Hrvatska Biroprint d.o.o., Croatia Biroprint d.o.o., Hrvatska Gorea Plus d.o.o., Croatia Gorea Plus d.o.o., Croatia Jamnica d.d., Croatia Jamnica d.d., Croatia Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers Hrvatskog društva kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa
All pieces of information in this BOOK OF ABSTRACTS are a sole responsibility of the Abstract Authors. The Publishers shall not be responsible for any usage of the data appearing in this document. Also, the Publishers shall not be liable for any errors found in the Authors works. Sadržaj sažetaka u ovoj KNJIZI SAŽETAKA isključiva je odgovornost autora. Izdavač nije odgovoran za uporabu podataka objavljenih u sažetcima, pogreške i sl.
Table of Contents Conference Programme SECTION 1 Invited Lectures A. Széchenyi, T. Šafarik 2 Scientific Centre of Excellence for Personalized Health Care Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za personaliziranu brigu o zdravlju S. Jokić 3 Research projects - opportunities for new jobs, modern equipment and scientific achievements Znanstveni projekti-prilika za nova radna mjesta, suvremenu opremu i znanstvena dostignuća M. Kovač, M. Bulaić, B. Šarkanj, T. Kovač, A. Nevistić 4 Inspecto Ltd. as a partner in collaborative research of mycotoxin occurence Inspecto d.o.o. kao partner u istraživanju pojavnosti mikotoksina T. Bogdanović, S. Marić 5 Public Institution Kopački rit Nature Park 2012-2019. Good Practice Examples and Models of Business Cooperation JU Park Prirode Kopački rit 2012.- 2019. Primjeri dobre prakse i modeli poslovne suradnje SECTION 2 Biology T. Đerđ, V. Peršić, D. K. Hackenberger, B. K. Hackenberger 7 The Application of Low-Cost Sensor Systems in Lemna Toxicity Tests Primjena niskobudžetnih senzorskih sustava u Lemna-testu
N. Graovac, B. Bruvo Mađarić, A. Klobučar, N. Landeka, T. Žitko, E. Merdić, M. Kučinić The Barcoding of the Croatian Mosquito Fauna Barkodiranje faune komaraca Hrvatske M. Kovačević, D. K. Hackenberger, Ž. Lončarić, B. K. Hackenberger 9 Efflux Pump Activity in Enchytraeidae Aktivnost efluks-pumpe enhitreida J. Ćosić, M. Dugić, R. Vuković, I. Štolfa Čamagajevac, A. Vuković, S. Šormaz, L. Zubaj, M. Matić, Z. Lončarić The Differences in Biochemical Mechanisms of Cadmium Tolerance in Three Soybean Cultivars Razlike u biokemijskim mehanizmima tolerancije na kadmij kod tri kultivara soje T. Mandir, M. Kovačević, M. Šimić, M. Grgošević, T. Žuna Pfeiffer, D. Špoljarić Maronić Floral Diversity of a Sub-Pannonic Steppic Grassland in Bistrinci Raznolikost flore subpanonskog travnjaka u Bistrincima SECTION 3 Medicine N. Kolobarić, M. Mihalj, A. Matić, A. Stupin1, L. Barić. Kralik, G. Kralik, I. Drenjančević The Consumption of the Omega-3-Enriched Eggs Reduces an Oxidative Stress in Granulocytes of the Healthy Male Participants Konzumacija jaja obogaćenih omega-3 masnim kiselinama smanjuje oksidativni stres u granulocitima zdravih muških ispitanika M. Pejakić, Ž. Perić Kačarević, M. Matijević 13 The Use of Injectable Biphasic Calcium Phosphate in a Guided Bone Regeneration: A study Plan and Preliminary Results Uporaba injekcijskog bifaznog kalcijeva fosfata u vođenoj regeneraciji kosti: plan studije i preliminarni rezultati T. Berlančić, I. Miškulin 14 The Prevalence and Risk Factors for Peer Violence among Adolescents Učestalost i rizični čimbenici za pojavu međuvršnjačkog nasilja u populaciji adolescenata SECTION 4 Physics I. Lukačević, M. Varga-Pajtler, M. Mužević, S. K. Gupta 15 The Prospects for an Experimental Realization of Two-Dimensional Aluminum Allotropes Mogućnosti eksperimentalnog ostvarenja dvodimenzionalnog aluminija 8 10 11 12
SECTION 5 Chemistry D. Goman, J. Bijelić, A. Stanković, M. Medvidović-Kosanović, P. Cop, B. Smarsly, I. Đerđ The Optimization of Hydrothermal Method for the Synthesis of Triple Perovskites with a Sr 3Mn 2(W/Te)O 9 Structure Type Optimizacija hidrotermalne metode za sintezu trostrukih perovskita tipa 16 Sr 3Mn 2(W/Te)O 9 M. Bjelić, T. Šafarik, A. Széchenyi 17 A Coprecipitation Synthesis and Modification of Magnetic Spinel Ferrite CoFe 2O 4 Nanoparticles with Gold Koprecipitacijska sinteza i modifikacija zlatom magnetskih spinelnih feritnih nanočestica CoFe 2O 4 Ž. Kajinić, J. Vešligaj Turkalj, Ž. Romić, A. Stanković, M. Medvidović-Kosanović Electrochemical Detection of As 3+ Ions Elektrokemijska detekcija iona As 3+ M. Sekulić, J. Bijelić, A. Stanković, M. Medvidović-Kosanović, P. Cop, B. Smarsly, I. Đerđ An Aqueous Sol-Gel Synthesis of Double and Triple Perovskites with an A 2Ni(Te/W)O 6 and A 3Co 2TeO 9 Structure Type Vodena sinteza sol-gel dvostrukih i trostrukih perovskita tipa A 2Ni(Te/W)O 6 i 18 19 A 3Co 2TeO 9 S. Zorić, T. Balić 20 A Synthesis and Characterization of Cu(II), Fe(III), and Cr(III) Polynuclear Carboxylate Complexes Sinteza i karakterizacija polinuklearnih karboksilatnih kompleksa bakra(ii), željeza(iii) i kroma(iii) M. Lončarić, M. Molnar 21 A Synthesis of Coumarin Derivatives via Knoevenagel Condensation in Green Solvents Sinteza derivata kumarina Knoevenagelovom kondenzacijom u zelenim otapalima SECTION 6 Agriculture D. Iljkić, M. Rastija, V. Kovačević 22 The Advantages of Lime Application on Acid Soils Prednosti kalcizacije kiselih tala
M. Kovačić, Z. Puškadija, R. Büchler 23 The Influence of Selection on the Traits of the Carniolan Honey Bee (Apis mellifera carnica) in Croatia Utjecaj selekcije na osobine sive medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera carnica) na području Hrvatske P. Lucić, V. Rozman 24 Plant Substances and Inert Dusts Natural Insecticide Formulations in the Storage Insects Control Biljne supstance i inertna prašiva prirodne formulacije insekticida u kontroli skladišnih kukaca V. Zebec, Z. Semialjac, M. Marković, V. Tadić, D. Radić, D. Rastija 25 The Influence of Physical and Chemical Properties of Different Soil Types on the Optimal Soil Moisture for Tillage Utjecaj fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava različitih tipova tla na optimalno stanje vlažnosti za obradu M. Ižaković, K. Jukić, T. Marček 26 The Impact of High-Voltage Electrical Discharge on Winter Wheat under Drought Utjecaj visokonaponskog električnog pražnjenja na ozimu pšenicu u uvjetima suše B. Ljuboja, Z. Kralik 27 The Increase of Selenium Content in Eggs by the Usage of Biofortified Maize in Hen Mixtures Povećanje sadržaja selena u jajima korištenjem biofortificiranog kukuruza u hrani kokoši SECTION 7 Food Technology I. Ivić, A. Pichler 28 The Influence of Processing Parameters on the Retention of Aroma Compounds during Wine Concentration by a Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Utjecaj procesnih parametara na zadržavanje spojeva arome tijekom koncentriranja vina reverznom osmozom i nanofiltracijom A.-M. Cikoš, I. Jerković, B. Šarkanj, S. Jokić 29 The Identification of Headspace Compounds, Volatiles, Fatty Acid Content and Antifungal Activity of the Extracts of Macroalga Codium bursa Identifikacija vršnih para, isparljivih komponenata, sastava masnih kiselina te antifungalna aktivnost ekstrakata makroalge Codium bursa
T. Kovač, I. Borišev, A. Lončarić, C. N. Ezekiel, M. Sulyok, R. Krska, B. Šarkanj The Interaction of Fullerenol C 60(OH) 24 Nanoparticles with the Aflatoxigenic Foodborne Fungi Interakcija nanočestica fulerenola C 60(OH) 24 s aflatoksikogenom plijesni prisutnom u hrani 30
2 nd Young Scientists Days Young Scientists Conference 2. Dani mladih istraživača Skup mladih znanstvenika May 23 rd and 24 th 2019, Osijek, Croatia 23. i 24. svibnja 2019., Osijek, Hrvatska Conference Programme / Program Skupa Thursday, 23 rd May 2019 / Četvrtak, 23. svibnja 2019. 09:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 Registration of participants Prijava i registracija sudionika Opening ceremony Svečano otvaranje Oral presentations / Usmena izlaganja Moderators / Moderatori: Igor Đerđ, Kristina Selthofer-Relatić, Zvonko Antunović 11:00 11:15 The Consumption of the Omega-3-Enriched Eggs Reduces an Oxidative Stress in Granulocytes of the Healthy Male Participants Konzumacija jaja obogaćenih omega-3 masnim kiselinama smanjuje oksidativni stres u granulocitima zdravih muških ispitanika N. Kolobarić, M. Mihalj, A. Matić, A. Stupin, L. Barić, Z. Kralik, G. Kralik, I. Drenjančević 11:15 11:30 The Prevalence and Risk Factors for Peer Violence among Adolescents Učestalost i rizični čimbenici za pojavu međuvršnjačkog nasilja u populaciji adolescenata T. Berlančić, I. Miškulin 11:30 11:45 A Synthesis of Coumarin Derivatives via Knoevenagel Condensation in Green Solvents Sinteza derivata kumarina Knoevenagelovom kondenzacijom u zelenim otapalima M. Lončarić, M. Molnar 11:45 12:00 The Advantages of Lime Application on Acid Soils Prednosti kalcizacije kiselih tala D. Iljkić, M. Rastija, V. Kovačević 12:00 13:00 Lunch Break Pauza za ručak 13:00 14:00 Oral presentations / Usmena izlaganja Moderators / Moderatori: Dubravka Špoljarić Maronić, Martina Šrajer Gajdošik, Silvija Šafranko 13:00 13:15 The Increase of Selenium Content in Eggs by the Usage of Biofortified Maize in Hen Mixtures Povećanje sadržaja selena u jajima korištenjem biofortificiranog kukuruza u hrani kokoši B. Ljuboja, Z. Kralik
13:15 13:30 The Influence of Processing Parameters on the Retention of Aroma Compounds during Wine Concentration by a Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Utjecaj procesnih parametara na zadržavanje spojeva arome tijekom koncentriranja vina reverznom osmozom i nanofiltracijom I. Ivić, A. Pichler 13:30 13:45 The Application of Low-Cost Sensor Systems in Lemna Toxicity Tests Primjena niskobudžetnih senzorskih sustava u Lemna-testu T. Đerđ, V. Peršić, D. K. Hackenberger, B. K. Hackenberger 13:45 14:00 The Use of Injectable Biphasic Calcium Phosphate in a Guided Bone Regeneration: A study Plan and Preliminary Results Uporaba injekcijskog bifaznog kalcijeva fosfata u vođenoj regeneraciji kosti: plan studije i preliminarni rezultati M. Pejakić, Ž. Perić Kačarević, M. Matijević 14:00 14:30 Coffee Break Pauza za kavu 14:30 15:30 Oral presentations / Usmena izlaganja Moderators / Moderatori: Anamarija Stanković, Lidija Begović, Mirna Velki 14:30 14:45 Efflux Pump Activity in Enchytraeidae Aktivnost efluks pumpe enhitreida M. Kovačević, D. K. Hackenberger, Ž. Lončarić, B. K. Hackenberger 14:45 15:00 A Coprecipitation Synthesis and Modification of Magnetic Spinel Ferrite CoFe 2O 4 Nanoparticles with Gold Koprecipitacijska sinteza i modifikacija zlatom magnetskih spinelnih feritnih nanočestica CoFe 2O 4 M. Bjelić, T. Šafarik, A. Széchenyi 15:00 15:15 The Influence of Selection on the Traits of the Carniolan Honey Bee (Apis mellifera carnica) in Croatia Utjecaj selekcije na osobine sive medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera carnica) na području Hrvatske M. Kovačić, Z. Puškadija, R. Büchler 15:15 15:30 The Interaction of Fullerenol C 60(OH) 24 Nanoparticles with the Aflatoxigenic Foodborne Fungi Interakcija nanočestica fulerenola C 60(OH) 24 s aflatoksikogenom plijesni prisutnom u hrani T. Kovač, I. Borišev, A. Lončarić, C. N. Ezekiel, M. Sulyok, R. Krska, B. Šarkanj 15:30 15:45 Discussion and conclusions Rasprava i zaključci
2 nd Young Scientists Days Young Scientists Conference 2. Dani mladih istraživača Skup mladih znanstvenika May 23 rd and 24 th 2019, Osijek, Croatia 23. i 24. svibnja 2019., Osijek, Hrvatska Conference Programme / Program Skupa Friday, 24 th May 2019 / Petak, 24. svibnja 2019. 08:00 09:00 Registration of participants Prijava i registracija sudionika 09:00 10:00 Invited lectures / Pozvana predavanja Moderators / Moderatori: Tanja Žuna Pfeiffer, Anamarija Stanković, Tatjana Šafarik 09:00 09:20 09:20 09:40 09:40 09:50 09:50 10:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 11:30 10:30 10:45 Scientific Centre of Excellence for Personalized Health Care Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za personaliziranu brigu o zdravlju A. Széchenyi, T. Šafarik Research projects - opportunities for new jobs, modern equipment and scientific achievements Znanstveni projekti-prilika za nova radna mjesta, suvremenu opremu i znanstvena dostignuća S. Jokić Inspecto Ltd. as a partner in collaborative research of mycotoxin occurence Inspecto d.o.o. kao partner u istraživanju pojavnosti mikotoksina M. Kovač, M. Bulaić, B. Šarkanj, T. Kovač, A. Nevistić Public Institution Kopački rit Nature Park 2012-2019. Good Practice Examples and Models Of Business Cooperation JU Park Prirode Kopački rit 2012.- 2019. Primjeri dobre prakse i modeli poslovne suradnje T. Bogdanović, S. Marić Coffee Break Pauza za kavu Oral presentations / Usmena izlaganja Moderators / Moderatori: Stela Jokić, Ivna Štolfa Čamagajevac, Jelena Bijelić The Identification of Headspace Compounds, Volatiles, Fatty Acid Content and Antifungal Activity of the Extracts of Macroalga Codium bursa Identifikacija vršnih para, isparljivih komponenata, sastava masnih kiselina te antifungalna aktivnost ekstrakata makroalge Codium bursa A.-M. Cikoš, I. Jerković, B. Šarkanj, S. Jokić 10:45 11:00 The Barcoding of the Croatian Mosquito Fauna Barkodiranje faune komaraca Hrvatske N. Graovac, B. Bruvo Mađarić, A. Klobučar, N. Landeka, T. Žitko, E. Merdić, M. Kučinić
11:00 11:15 The Optimization of Hydrothermal Method for the Synthesis of Triple Perovskites with a Sr 3Mn 2(W/Te)O 9 Structure Type Optimizacija hidrotermalne metode za sintezu trostrukih perovskita tipa Sr 3Mn 2(W/Te)O 9 D. Goman, J. Bijelić, A. Stanković, M. Medvidović-Kosanović, P. Cop, B. Smarsly, I. Đerđ 11:15 11:30 Electrochemical Detection of As 3+ Ions Elektrokemijska detekcija iona As 3+ Ž. Kajinić, J. Vešligaj Turkalj, Ž. Romić, A. Stanković, M. Medvidović- Kosanović 11:30 12:00 12:00 13:00 Coffee Break Pauza za kavu Oral presentations / Usmena izlaganja Moderators / Moderatori: Anita Galir Balkić, Tatjana Šafarik, Martina Medvidović Kosanović 12:00 12:15 Plant Substances and Inert Dusts Natural Insecticide Formulations in the Storage Insects Control Biljne supstance i inertna prašiva prirodne formulacije insekticida u kontroli skladišnih kukaca P. Lucić, V. Rozman 12:15 12:30 The Prospects for an Experimental Realization of Two-Dimensional Aluminum Allotropes Mogućnosti eksperimentalnog ostvarenja dvodimenzionalnog aluminija I. Lukačević, M. Varga-Pajtler, M. Mužević, S. K. Gupta 12:30 12:45 An Aqueous Sol-Gel Synthesis of Double and Triple Perovskites with an A 2Ni(Te/W)O 6 and A 3Co 2TeO 9 Structure Type Vodena sinteza sol-gel dvostrukih i trostrukih perovskita tipa A 2Ni(Te/W)O 6 i A 3Co 2TeO 9 M. Sekulić, J. Bijelić, A. Stanković, M. Medvidović-Kosanović, P. Cop, B. Smarsly, I. Đerđ 12:45 13:00 The Influence of Physical and Chemical Properties of Different Soil Types on the Optimal Soil Moisture for Tillage Utjecaj fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava različitih tipova tla na optimalno stanje vlažnosti za obradu V. Zebec, Z. Semialjac, M. Marković, V. Tadić, D. Radić, D. Rastija 13:00 14:00 Lunch Break Pauza za ručak 14:00 15:00 Oral presentations / Usmena izlaganja Moderators / Moderatori: Elvira Kovač-Andrić, Tanja Žuna Pfeiffer, Zorana Katanić 14:00 14:15 The Differences in Biochemical Mechanisms of Cadmium Tolerance in Three Soybean Cultivars
Razlike u biokemijskim mehanizmima tolerancije na kadmij kod tri kultivara soje J. Ćosić, M. Dugić, R. Vuković, I. Štolfa Čamagajevac, A. Vuković, S. Šormaz, L. Zubaj, M. Matić, Z. Lončarić 14:15 14:30 A Synthesis and Characterization of Cu(II), Fe(III), and Cr(III) Polynuclear Carboxylate Complexes Sinteza i karakterizacija polinuklearnih karboksilatnih kompleksa bakra(ii), željeza(iii) i kroma(iii) S. Zorić, T. Balić 14:30 14:45 The Impact of High-Voltage Electrical Discharge on Winter Wheat under Drought Utjecaj visokonaponskog električnog pražnjenja na ozimu pšenicu u uvjetima suše M. Ižaković, K. Jukić, T. Marček 14:45 15:00 Floral Diversity of a Sub-Pannonic Steppic Grassland in Bistrinci Raznolikost flore subpanonskog travnjaka u Bistrincima T. Mandir, M. Kovačević, M. Šimić, M. Grgošević, T. Žuna Pfeiffer, D. Špoljarić Maronić 15:00 15:30 19:00 21:00 Awards and Conference closing Podjela nagrada i zatvaranje Skupa Garden party After-Conference Gathering (Department of Biology and Chemistry, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, 31 000 Osijek)
INVITED LECTURE Scientific Centre of Excellence for Personalized Health Care Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za personaliziranu brigu o zdravlju A. Széchenyi *, T. Šafarik Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Chemistry, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: Activities of Scientific Centre of Excellence for Personalized Health Care (SCEPersonHealth) are manly directed towards connecting and developing cooperation of scientific and educational institutions in order to integrate and encourage synergy, as well as promote international competitiveness in the field. Capacity of SCEPersonHealth covers innovative research in the health and pharmaceutical biotechnological industry ranging from diagnosis and better understanding of the disease through personalization and medical treatment. There is also conduction of fundamental and clinical research in order to discover new insights into human genetics and molecular basis of the disease to provide greater precision in diagnosis and targeted drug development. SCEPersonHealth is consisted of two complementary units: 1) Glycemic Research and 2) Research, Production and Medical Functional Food Testing. The main research problem of the first unit is understanding of the role of glycans in the pathology of diseases associated with changes in glycosylation and development of high-velocity glycemic and identification of prognostic markers. The second unit is developing new methods and devices for quantification of antioxidant capacities, that are going to be used in clinical studies of the functional food consumption that is going to be developed and produced within the activities of SCEPersonHealth. Main focus of Department of Chemistry as a part of a second unit of SCEPersonHealth, is development of new microsensor as a detector for monitoring and quantification of antioxidant properties of biological materials. The results, new knowledge, equipment and employment acquired as a part of the project directly contribute to the strengthening of the overall research community, new technologies and ensuring higher product quality in the production of functional food benefit food manufactures and processors through the production of high-quality functional food that will enable them to strengthen market position. And also there is impact on long term health improvement of general population. Keywords: Functional food, Antioxidant capacity, Chemical sensor, Biosensor 2
INVITED LECTURE Research projects - opportunities for new jobs, modern equipment, and scientific achievements Znanstveni projekti - prilika za nova radna mjesta, suvremenu opremu i znanstvena dostignuća S. Jokić * Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Franje Kuhača 20, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: Scientists at the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek not only participate in higher education, but also conduct their scientific research through various national and international scientific projects. Laboratories at the Faculty are wellequipped with various modern analytical and pilotscale equipment used for the implementation of the teaching process as well as for scientific research. The realization of a number of international projects is funded from various EU Programmes, the Croatian Science Foundation, etc. Since 2015, the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek has been a partner institution in the Centre of Research Excellence for Marine Bioprospecting BioProCro, with the Ruđer Bošković Institute as the host institution. The quality and quantity of scientific research can be seen in numerous scientific papers that have been published in internationally acknowledged journals indexed in various databases and presented at international conferences. The number of scientific papers with foreign scientists as co-authors has been constantly increasing. The Faculty has continuously been working on the connection and cooperation among research groups within the Faculty, but also on conducting interdisciplinary research among different institutions. A few selected projects will be presented in this presentation. Those types of projects provide plenty of advantages for applicants and graduates, who can be hired on the project. It is also important to note that research projects are providing funds for new modern research equipment as well. But the most important thing is that research projects offer young researchers an opportunity to start their scientific carrier, deal with scientific topics and methodologies, share and develop ideas, learn from each other, and gain knowledge from senior researchers and mentors. Moreover, work on a project very often includes enrolment in postgraduate studies, which is an opportunity to gain a PhD. Scientific research, as well as mobility, at the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek contribute to the achievement of national and international research excellence in various fields and to the transfer and application of gained knowledge for the prosperity of society. Keywords: research projects, science, opportunities, funding 3
INVITED LECTURE Inspecto Ltd. as a partner in collaborative research of mycotoxin occurence Inspecto d.o.o. kao partner u istraživanju pojavnosti mikotoksina M. Kovač 1*, M. Bulaić 1, B. Šarkanj 2, T. Kovač 3, A. Nevistić 1 1 Inspecto d.o.o.., Vukovarska cesta 239b, Industrijska zona Nemetin, Osijek, Croatia 2 University North, Department of Food Technology, Trg dr. Žarka Dolinara 1, 48000 Koprivnica, Croatia 3 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Franje Kuhača 20, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: Inspecto d.o.o. is a specialized inspection company with 20+ years of experience in providing complete services in the control of raw materials and finished goods in Croatia and abroad, for which the company has been authorized by the competent state institutions, thus providing its partners additional quality of service, security and impartiality. Accreditation by Croatian Accreditation Agency according to the requirements of the standard HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025 is particularly important in the field of laboratory testing, as it represents a great competence of the laboratory, enabled by hard work of highly educated multidisciplinary team of experts responsible for analytical procedures, especially for the contaminants determination, as well as the implementation of the state of the art techniques, such as chromatography techniques coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Besides mentioned commercial activities, Inspecto Ltd. makes a lot of effort supporting of scientific research, as being one of the partners of international collaborations, related to mycotoxin occurrence and new strategies for reductions of fungal colonization and their harmful secondary metabolites. At this moment, this is mainly related to aflatoxins reduction strategies by using new-synthesized compounds or investigation of new abiotic stressors impact, such as fullerene and fullerol nanoparticles. Furthermore, Inspecto Ltd. is engaged through postgraduate research of its employee in the development and application of LC-MS/MS dilute and shoot multi-mycotoxin method, intended for faster, cheaper and more comprehensive examination of (multi)mycotoxin contamination level in various food and feed matrices, crucial for proper health risk assessment, and thus public health insurance. Keywords: Inspecto, Croatia, collaboration, mycotoxins, contamination, LC-MS/MS 4
INVITED LECTURE Public Institution Kopački rit Nature Park 2012-2019. Good Practice Examples and Models of Business Cooperation JU Park Prirode Kopački rit 2012.- 2019. Primjeri dobre prakse i modeli poslovne suradnje T. Bogdanović 1,*, S. Marić 2 1 Public Institution Kopački rit Nature Park, Mali Sakadaš 1, 31327 Kopačevo, Croatia 2 Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Crkvena 21, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: Public Institution Kopački rit Nature Park currently has 36 employees, of which 16 employees are financed from the state budget, 13 from own costs and 7 employees working on EU projects. Four persons were permanently hired in the period from 2012 to 2019. Among the given number of employees, 25 of them are permanently employed and 11 are temporarily employed. Seasonal employees are hired according to our needs. Within the above mentioned period, a total value of 23.500.000,00 HRK without VAT was realized through projects. The implementation of the following EU projects is ongoing: Presentation and Education Centre Tikveš, Project of Construction of Sakadaš tourist dock in Nature Park Kopački rit" worth more than 60.000.000,00 HRK without VAT, project Naturavita, which is in the first phase of realization worth about 48.000.000 EUR (Croatian Forest Management, Croatian Water Management, Public Institution Kopački rit Nature Park), Public Institution Kopački rit Nature Park component about 4.000,00 HRK and the Danubeparks project worth about 200.000,00 EUR. In 2016, compared to 2015, our own income increased 37 %, whereas the number of visitors increased 30 %. In 2018. compared to 2017, the number of visitors increased 7.2 % with a further increasing trend, whereas the income increased 2 %. Apart from financial assets, the benefit from projects is also the possibility to hire employees under a temporary contract or a permanent contract where the salaries are financed from own income, achieved through the projects. Keywords: Kopački rit, nature protection, EU project, business cooperation 5
(Biology) ORAL PRESENTATION The Application of Low-Cost Sensor Systems in Lemna Toxicity Tests Primjena niskobudžetnih senzorskih sustava u Lemna-testu T. Đerđ 1, V. Peršić 1, D. K. Hackenberger 2, B. K. Hackenberger 1 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Biology, Cara Hadrijana 8A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 BioQuant d.o.o., Našička 4, HR-31 000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: In plants, a relation between respiration and photosynthesis reflects the exchange of CO 2 with the atmosphere. Until now, only a few studies have measured a whole-plant or a plant community CO 2 release/uptake directly and continuously without disturbances. Although the methods implemented in these studies are of high accuracy, they are still costineffective, require complex experimental setups, and provide discrete and discontinuous output data. This work presents an application of real-time continuous monitoring of the emission and uptake rate of CO 2 in the Lemna toxicity test, implementing a low-cost Arduino platform-based respiratory activity measuring system prototype (ResTox). The Lemna plants were cultured and maintained as described in the standard protocols. Each experimental set consisted of six test chambers (including control) for each test compound and one reference chamber. In each chamber containing a culturing medium, 21 fronds were placed. The plants were exposed to the known concentrations of toxicants: metals and herbicides. The metal treatments consisted of Hg, Cu, Cd and Co, while the herbicides chosen were diquat, tembotrione, nicosulfuron and clopyralid. The concentration ranges were chosen based upon preliminary tests. The experimental setup was kept in darkness for 3 hours, and during that time a respiratory activity was recorded. During the next 3 hour period, the lights were switched on and a CO 2 assimilation was recorded. All measurements were performed by an Arduino platform-based respiratory activity measuring system for the real-time CO 2 emission/uptake measurements, a prototype developed and assembled by the research team. The measurements of CO 2 concentrations were reported as dynamic curves. The results of CO 2 measurements demonstrated a hormetic effect of examined substances: the low doses of metals and herbicides stimulated a CO 2 exchange rate, while at high doses they inhibited the CO 2 exchange rate. The approach presented in this work enabled an evaluation of acute toxicity mechanisms using a CO 2 exchange flux rate as an endpoint during the phytotoxicity experiments. Keywords: phytotoxicity, heavy metals, herbicides, CO 2 sensors 7
(Biology) ORAL PRESENTATION The Barcoding of the Croatian Mosquito Fauna Barkodiranje faune komaraca Hrvatske N. Graovac 1,*, B. Bruvo Mađarić 2, A. Klobučar 3, N. Landeka 4, T. Žitko 5, E. Merdić 1, M. Kučinić 6 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Biology, Cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Ruđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička cesta 54, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia 3 Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Mirogojska 16, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia 4 Institute of Public Health of the Istrian County, Nazorova 23, HR-52100 Pula, Croatia 5 Education Institute of Public Health of Split Dalmatia County, Vukovarska 46, HR-21000 Split, Croatia 6 Department of Biology, University of Zagreb, Roosveltov trg 6, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: Mosquitoes (Culicidae) represent a frequently investigated group of insects within the order (Diptera) precisely because they are human and animal disease vectors. A mosquito identification is therefore a key step in the development of the vector control strategies. To achieve a more precise identification, the morphological methods should be complemented with the molecular identification methods. A DNA barcoding is a global method of biodiversity recognition, and the world s base is being continuously supplemented. Currently, the most commonly used barcode region is the 50-segment one of the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI). A DNA based identification makes it possible to use the sequence data in order to determine the species and their subspecies. Fifty-three species of mosquitoes have been recorded in Croatia so far. Determining the genetic status of this insect group will be of a great taxonomic, phylogenetic, and phylogeographic importance since Croatia stands out for its diversity of habitats that affect genetic diversity. During the DNA Barcoding of the Croatian Fauna project, mosquitoes were sampled from the continental, alpine, and Mediterranean regions of Croatia in the mosquito seasons of 2017 and 2018. Within the sampled mosquitoes, twenty-four species were determined and molecularly identified. By the end of this project, we expect that we will have a DNA barcoding conducted on many species in Croatia. We intend to find the cryptic and sibling species in the field (such as Anopheles maculipennis complex and Culex pipiens complex) to resolve a genetic similarity. The results of this project will provide more knowledge about genetic diversity in relation to a geographical distribution. Also, these results will contribute to the complementation of the world s DNA base (BOLD and NCBI). Keywords: species, mosquito identification, DNA barcoding, genetic diversity, species complexes 8
Efflux Pump Activity in Enchytraeidae Aktivnost efluks-pumpe enhitreida M. Kovačević 1,*, D. K. Hackenberger 1, Ž. Lončarić 1, B. K. Hackenberger 1 (Biology) ORAL PRESENTATION 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Biology, Cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: A multixenobiotic resistance mechanism (MXR) is a cellular detoxification mechanism present in all organisms, including microbes, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. It is mediated by the activity of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters. The MXR proteins (efflux pump) transfer certain groups of xenobiotics out of the cell and keep the intracellular concentration of these compounds low. The enchytraeids are the ecologically relevant soil organisms, which play an important role in an organic matter decomposition and soil bioturbation. In the phylum Annelida MXR, an activity was discovered mainly in the earthworm species, but there were no enchytraeid species discovered. For the identification of an efflux pump activity, fluorescent substrates are often used. In case of an MXR system inhibition, the concentration of substrate in the cells increases, and this can be seen as a rise in fluorescence. Two enchytraeid species (Enchytraeus albidus and E. crypticus) were exposed to an ISO test water, with or without specific chemosensitizers, at various concentrations. Subsequent to a pretreatment, they were exposed to the fluorescent substrates, Rhodamine B (RhB) or Rhodamine 123 (Rh123). The amount of RhB and Rh123 in the samples was measured using a spectrofluorometer. Using the RhB and R123 as a fluorescent substrate, it could be seen that different substrates and chemosensitizers exert an effect on the amount of fluorescence in the enchytraeids. The ability of enchytraeids to remove the xenobiotics from the cells will greatly impact the final detrimental effects. Determining a presence and function of the MXR in enchytraeids can help us understand the consequences of MXR inhibition at the population and ecosystem level. This study demonstrates that the enchytraeids, as a model species in the terrestrial ecotoxicology, possess an MXR activity and that different substrates and chemosensitizers have an impact on it. Therefore, it can be presumed that the xenobiotics present in the environment will have an effect on an MXR system as well. Due to the influence of an MXR activity on the bioaccumulation and toxicity of various compounds, the assessment of an MXR activity could be a valuable complementary biomarker in ecotoxicological research and risk assessment. Keywords: enchytraeids, chemosensitizers, MXR proteins, efflux pump, biomarker 9
(Biology) ORAL PRESENTATION The Differences in Biochemical Mechanisms of Cadmium Tolerance in Three Soybean Cultivars Razlike u biokemijskim mehanizmima tolerancije na kadmij kod tri kultivara soje J. Ćosić 1*, M. Dugić 1, R. Vuković 1, I. Štolfa Čamagajevac 1, A. Vuković 1, S. Šormaz 1, L. Zubaj 1, M. Matić 2, Z. Lončarić 2 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Biology, Cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, HR- 31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: An increased cadmium content in agricultural soils causes changes in the physiological and biochemical processes in plants, affecting their growth and yield. Different plant species, but also the different cultivars of the same species, widely vary in the terms of cadmium accumulation and tolerance. In this respect, a production of soybean (Glycine max L.) as a leading oil and protein culture is endangered by a low cadmium tolerance. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the differences in the biochemical mechanisms of cadmium tolerance in the leaves of three Croatian soybean cultivars (Korana, Ika, and Lucija), which differ in the capacity of cadmium accumulation. The soybean was hydroponically cultivated under the controlled conditions and exposed to cadmium (100 μmol L -1 ) for seven days. As the indicator of an oxidative stress, a content of H 2O 2 and lipid peroxidation levels, expressed in terms of the thiobarbituric acid s reactive substances, was determined, while an antioxidative status was determined by the activities of the antioxidative enzymes, such as the catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase. A cadmium treatment increased the lipid peroxidation levels in the leaves of all three soybean cultivars, indicating the presence of an oxidative stress. Also, the activity of glutathione peroxidase was increased in all cadmium treated plants, while other enzymes demonstrated different activity patterns in the investigated cultivars. The cultivar Korana, which manifested the highest level of cadmium accumulation, also manifested the highest level of tolerance with regard to two other cultivars. The most sensitive cultivar, Ika, with a moderate accumulation capacity, manifested the lowest level of an antioxidative response. The biochemical mechanisms of tolerance to a cadmium stress differed in the three investigated soybean cultivars, and a tolerance to cadmium was partly achieved by an increased antioxidative response. Keywords: antioxidative response, cadmium, oxidative stress, soybean, cultivars 10
(Biology) ORAL PRESENTATION Floral Diversity of a Sub-Pannonic Steppic Grassland in Bistrinci Raznolikost flore subpanonskog travnjaka u Bistrincima T. Mandir*, M. Kovačević, M. Šimić, M. Grgošević, T. Žuna Pfeiffer, D. Špoljarić Maronić Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Biology, Cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: A sub-pannonic grassland of the alliance Festucion vallesiacae in Bistrinci represents one of the last residuals of steppic grasslands in Croatia. According to the Ordinance on an Ecological Network, it is incorporated in a list of the protected areas important for the species and habitat types in Croatia under the code HR2000730. A floristic survey was carried out every two weeks in 2017 and 2018, in a period from April to November. A total of 136 vascular plant taxa from 45 families were recorded. The vascular plant taxa were determined, and a nomenclature was adjusted according to the Croatian Flora Checklist. The highest number of taxa belonged to the families of Fabaceae (19 taxa), Rosaceae (13 taxa), Asteraceae (12 taxa) and Poaceae (11 taxa). A lifeform spectrum analysis proved that the hemicryptophytes were dominant (71 taxa), followed by the therophytes (27 taxa) and geophytes (17 taxa). Among the identified taxa, 26 are protected, while one species, Dichanthium ischaemum (L.) Roberty, is strictly protected. Some invasive plant species, such as the Reynoutria japonica Houtt., Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, and Phytollacca americana L., also occur in the grassland community. An analysis of the ecological conditions proved that the greatest number of plant taxa are shade-tolerant, preferring a relatively warm soil, moderately rich in nitrogen. The investigated steppelike grassland in Bistrinci represents a unique habitat rich in valuable plants of the Croatian flora; therefore, conserving this natural resource is of a great importance. Keywords: East Croatia, steppe-like grassland, vascular flora 11
(Medicine) ORAL PRESENTATION The Consumption of the Omega-3-Enriched Eggs Reduces an Oxidative Stress in Granulocytes of the Healthy Male Participants Konzumacija jaja obogaćenih omega-3 masnim kiselinama smanjuje oksidativni stres u granulocitima zdravih muških ispitanika N. Kolobarić 1,2, M. Mihalj 1,2, A. Matić 1,2, A. Stupin 1,2, L. Barić 1, Z. Kralik 2,3, G. Kralik 2,3, I. Drenjančević 1,2* 1 Department of Physiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, HR-31 000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Scientific Center of Excellence for a Personalized Healthcare, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, HR-31 000 Osijek, Croatia 3 Department of Special Zootechnology, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, HR-31 000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effects of an n-3 PUFA enriched egg consumption on the levels of an oxidative stress in human leukocyte subsets. Thirty three healthy participants (aged 20 to 26) were divided into two groups: the first group consumed the n 3 PUFA enriched chicken eggs (OE; n=18, 2 eggs/day, n 3 PUFA=403.10 mg/day), while the second group consumed the regular chicken eggs (RE; n=15; 2 eggs/day, n 3 PUFA=74.63 mg/day) for three weeks. A peripheral leukocyte oxidative stress was measured by flow cytometry (BD FACS Canto II flow cytometer) with DCF DA (2,7 -dichlorofluorescin diacetate) assay at the beginning and at the end of the study. The levels of an intracellular ROS were assessed prior to and 30 minutes subsequent to a phorbol 12 myristate 13 acetate (PMA) (1:1000; 50 µl) mediated induction of the ROS production. The statistical analyses were performed using the Sigma Plot and the GraphPad Prism. A t test was used for the differences among the groups, and an intra group difference were tested by a paired t test, where p<0.05 was considered significant. A study protocol and procedures conformed to the standards of the Helsinki Declaration and were approved by the Ethical Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Osijek. The OE group exhibited significantly reduced levels of ROS upon a PMA stimulation in the male granulocytes (p=0.0442), in contrast to a significantly increased ROS production upon a PMA stimulation in the male and female monocytes from the OE respondents (p=0.0006 and p=0.0227, respectively). The OE men had a significantly lower level of oxidative stress in granulocytes prior to and upon a PMA stimulation (p=0.0366 and p=0.0049, respectively) if compared to the RE men. The OE men had the significantly lower levels of ROS in monocytes and lymphocytes if compared to the OE women (p<0.0001 and p=0.0153, respectively). An omega 3 consumption reduced the levels of oxidative stress upon a PMA stimulation in the granulocytes of men, while it exerted an opposite effect on the monocytes of both sexes. The results suggest that the omega 3 supplementation reduces an oxidative stress in granulocytes, probably by increasing a cellular antioxidative capacity. Keywords: oxidative stress, antioxidative activity, omega 3 eggs Acknowledgment The work is supported by a grant to the Scientific Center of Excellence for a Personalized Healthcare, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia. 12
(Medicine) ORAL PRESENTATION The Use of Injectable Biphasic Calcium Phosphate in a Guided Bone Regeneration: A study Plan and Preliminary Results Uporaba injekcijskog bifaznog kalcijeva fosfata u vođenoj regeneraciji kosti: plan studije i preliminarni rezultati M. Pejakić 1, 2*, Ž. Perić Kačarević 2, M. Matijević 2 1 Faculty of Medicine, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Huttlera 4, HR-31 000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Crkvena 21, HR-31 000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: / Abstract: A guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a surgical method used to promote a bone regeneration in the situations where there is no sufficient height and width of the residual alveolar ridge to place a dental implant. An autogenous bone, allografts, xenografts, and alloplastic materials, in combination with the resorbable or nonresorbable membranes, are used in the GBR. The aim of the present study is to assess the histological and histomorphometrical changes in the alveolar bone six months subsequent to the augmentation procedure with an injectable biphasic calcium phosphate (I BCP). The study is designed as a prospective single arm one and consists of two stages. In the first stage, twenty healthy patients with an indication for GBR subsequent to a tooth extraction and prior to a dental implant placement are enrolled. The indications for a tooth extraction include a chronic periodontal disease, failure of the endodontic treatment, and a vertical fracture of the root. A patients selection is performed in a dental practice specialized in oral surgery, and all surgeries are performed by an experienced oral surgeon. Following the tooth extraction, the intrabony defects are filled with the I BCP and covered with a native collagen membrane, to ensure the isolation of a bone defect next to a soft tissue. Six months subsequent to the healing, simultaneous to a dental implant placement, bone biopsies for histological analyses are harvested and visualized under light microscopy. This report presents the preliminary histological findings of I BCP s osteoconductive properties. A histological examination of the specimen revealed a new bone formation at a peripheral border of the bone defect. The I BCP granules of are incorporated into the bone tissue and there are no histological signs of inflammation. Therefore, we can conclude that a preliminary result of this study demonstrates an osteoconductive potential of I BCP. However, further work is necessary to complete the histological, radiological, and clinical evidence of I BCP s osteoconductive properties. Keywords: histomorphometry, bone biopsy, bone substitutes, dental implantology 13
(Medicine) ORAL PRESENTATION The Prevalence and Risk Factors for Peer Violence among Adolescents Učestalost i rizični čimbenici za pojavu međuvršnjačkog nasilja u populaciji adolescenata T. Berlančić 1, 2, 3*, I. Miškulin 1 1 Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Huttlera 4, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Trg Ljudevita Gaja, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 3 University Hospital Center Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: Violence among the adolescents is defined as violence in which persons aged 10 to 21 participate as victims, aggressors, or witnesses, and there is an occurrence of an intentional use of physical force or injury. Violence among the young people is a publichealth and social problem. Violence participants are usually divided into four groups: pure offenders, i.e., those who commit violence against others, pure victims, victims-abusers, and observers. Peer violence can also be divided into four categories: physical, verbal, cyber and relational. The aim of this study was to determine a frequency and distribution of violence among the young people at a university education level according to their age, gender, academic success and socioeconomic characteristics. An online, cross-sectional, anonymous pilot study was conducted during February 2018 by the application of a specially designed questionnaire, which contained a multidimensional peer victimization scale and questions regarding the study participants demographic data. The study involved 329 university students from the University of Osijek aged 20.1 ± 0.8 years (range 18.0 21.0), 79.6% being females and 20.4% males. Furthermore, among all study participants, there were 12.8% of repeaters and 87.2% nonrepeaters. Finally, there were 62.0% of students who were studying in their hometown and 38.0% of those who were not. The study revealed that the students who were not studying in their hometown were more exposed to an overall peer victimization, measured by a total bullying scale (p = 0.009), and were more exposed to social violence, measured by a social violence scale (p = 0.001). The study also demonstrated that the males were more involved in physical violence (p < 0.001), measured by a physical violence scale. Peer violence is not a well-recognized problem within the university student population. The results of this study point to the importance of analyzing and resolving a peer victimization problem at this level of education. Keywords: peer violence, university students, risk factors, violence, Croatia 14
(Physics) ORAL PRESENTATION The Prospects for an Experimental Realization of Two-Dimensional Aluminum Allotropes Mogućnosti eksperimentalnog ostvarenja dvodimenzionalnog aluminija I. Lukačević, M.Varga-Pajtler 1, M. Mužević 1, S.K. Gupta 2 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Physics, Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Department of Physics and Electronics, St. Xavier s College, Ahmedabad 380009, India Abstract: Since the discovery of graphene, a number of atomically thin monoelemental materials have been predicted and also synthesized, while others wait for an experimental realization. Motivated by a possible application potential, owning to the properties of its bulk counterpart, in this study we predict the possible twodimensional allotropes of a monolayer aluminum, called aluminene, and the conditions in which the aluminene could be synthesized in a laboratory. The allotropic modifications considered were planar, buckled, puckered and triangular. Using the ab initio calculations, planar and triangular structures demonstrate that, under certain imposed strain on the monolayer, they possess the appropriate cohesive energies and lattice dynamics. The surface of Cu (111) and graphene are found to be the suitable substrates that stabilize the phonon dynamics of the monolayers. The studied allotropes are proven to be stable with respect to the thermal effects at room temperature and preserve good thermal properties (specific heat) of bulk aluminum. The STM images are simulated to assist the experimental realization and characterization of aluminene. Keywords: two-dimensional materials, aluminum, structural stability, strain engineering, density functional theory 15
(Chemistry) ORAL PRESENTATION The Optimization of Hydrothermal Method for the Synthesis of Triple Perovskites with a Sr3Mn2(W/Te)O9 Structure Type Optimizacija hidrotermalne metode za sintezu trostrukih perovskita tipa Sr3Mn2(W/Te)O9 D. Goman 1,*, J. Bijelić 1, A. Stanković 1, M. Medvidović-Kosanović 1, P. Cop 2, B. Smarsly 2, I. Đerđ 1 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Chemistry, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Heinrich Buff Ring 17, D 35392 Giessen, Germany * corresponding author: Abstract: This study presents an optimization of hydrothermal synthesis of triple perovskites Sr 3Mn 2WO 9 and Sr 3Mn 2TeO 9, from an aqueous solution of metal salt precursors. Usually, a synthesis of perovskite materials demands a controlled and long term annealing. In this research, milder conditions (a relatively low temperature, 150 ºC and 200 ºC) and shorter reaction time (24 h) were created, which are environmentally friendly and low-cost. A continuous development contributes to the new and more advanced nanosized materials. It is important for a design of perovskite materials to stabilize the metal cations in certain oxidation states. For that purpose, electrochemical measurements were carried out to determine an oxidation state of manganese cation in the given reaction conditions. The electrochemical results indicate that manganese is in the +3 oxidation state while being transformed into a desired compound. This oxidation state is stabilized by the usage of a strong base (sodium hydroxide). An interesting fact is that Mn 3+ (coordination number 6, a high spin state) has an ionic radius of 0.645 Å, which corresponds to the ionic radius of Fe 3+ (also coordination number 6, a high spin state). Hence, a structural similarity to Sr 3Fe 2WO 9 and Sr 3Fe 2TeO 9, is expected. In conclusion, the composition, morphology, and stability of prepared compounds were investigated by means of the powder X ray diffraction (PXRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analysis coupled with the differential scanning calorimetry (TGA/DSC) and the X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). This research is a part of the Croatian Science Foundation project entitled Investigation of Complex Multiferroic Materials Prepared by the Solution Chemistry Methods under the supervision of Prof. Igor Đerđ, Ph.D. Keywords: perovskite, hydrothermal synthesis, nanomaterials Acknowledgments The authors express their gratitude to the Croatian Science Foundation (IP 2016 06 3115) for a full financial support and to the DAAD for a partial support via German Croatian exchange partnership (ID 57335028). 16
(Chemistry) ORAL PRESENTATION A Coprecipitation Synthesis and Modification of Magnetic Spinel Ferrite CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles with Gold Koprecipitacijska sinteza i modifikacija zlatom magnetskih spinelnih feritnih nanočestica CoFe2O4 M. Bjelić 1,*, T. Šafarik 1, A. Széchenyi 1 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Chemistry, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: The magnetic cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (CoFe 2O 4) with an average diameter from 10 to 80 nm are important because of their wide application, especially in biomedicine, where they are used as the MRI contrast enhancers, for a drug delivery and magnetic hyperthermia. The aim of this study is to synthesize the cobalt ferrite nanoparticles with a desired particle size and to monitor the effects of certain reaction parameters, which are mentioned bellow. The cobalt ferrite nanoparticles were synthesized by the coprecipitation method, whose main disadvantage is the control of a nanocrystal size. To solve that problem, it is necessary to achieve an accurate control of different reaction conditions, such as the mixing order of synthesis components, reaction temperature, and a reaction ph value. A nanoparticle modification with nitric acid and gold does not only provide stability to the nanoparticles in solution but it also assists to the binding of various biological ligands to a nanoparticle surface. The covering of the synthesized nanoparticles with a layer of gold is achieved by a reduction of HAuCl 4 in the presence of a strong reduction agent. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by a dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), electrophoretic light scattering (ELS), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The obtained results illustrate that the smaller particles are formed at a lower temperature. The FT IR spectra confirmed the binding of the NO 2 functional group onto the nanoparticle surface, which has a great influence on the suspension stability. Also, by lowering the suspension s ph value, the amount of amorphous substance is reduced, and the TEM images show that the cobalt ferrite nanocrystals without amorphous contaminants are present at ph 3. A future goal of this work is to apply the gold coated cobalt ferrite nanoparticles as nanosensors. Keywords: cobalt ferrite, modification, gold, reaction parameters Acknowledgments The authors express their gratitude to Dr. Hajnalka Ábrahám and Prof. Dr. László Seress (University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology and Central Electron Microscope Laboratory) for the assistance and support during the sample analysis with the TEM. Some TEM studies were performed using the JEOL 1400 TEM electron microscope funded by the GINOP 2.3.3 15 2016 0002 grant (a new generation electron microscope, 3D ultrastructure). 17
Electrochemical Detection of As 3+ Ions Elektrokemijska detekcija iona As 3+ (Chemistry) ORAL PRESENTATION Ž. Kajinić 1,*, J. Vešligaj Turkalj 2, Ž. Romić 2, A. Stanković 1, M. Medvidović-Kosanović 1 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Chemistry, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Vodovod, Poljski put 1, HR-31000 Osijek * corresponding author: Abstract Arsenic is a naturally occurring, widely 8.00 20 found chemical element. The inorganic forms of 6.00 4.00 2.00 15 arsenic are generally considered to exert a highly 10 toxic effect on human health and the environment. 5 The greatest concerns for public health pertaining to 0 the arsenic compounds originate from a contaminated 0 5 10 15 20 25 10 groundwater or soil, which contain the inorganic c / M forms of arsenic, mainly the arsenite (III) and 0.00 arsenate (V). According to the recent -0.100 0.100 0.300 0.500 epidemiological studies, the association of an arsenic E / V exposure and cancer, hypertension, or kidney disease has been identified. The aim of this study is an electrochemical detection of As 3+ ions using a modified and an unmodified glassy carbon electrode in the model systems, as well as in the groundwater samples. An electrochemical analysis was carried out by means of a cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. Based on the obtained results, the most adequate method was determined. The measurements were performed in a Faraday cage using a potentiostat/galvanostat (PalmSens) controlled by the PSTrace 1.2. software package. A three electrode system consisted of a glassy carbon working electrode, an Ag/AgCl reference electrode, and of a platinum wire counter electrode. A regeneration of the working electrode surface was carried out by polishing it with an α-al 2O 3 suspension, and it was subsequently cleaned in an ultrasonic bath when necessary. Furthermore, the electrochemical system was purged with a purified argon in order to deaerate the system, more precisely to avoid an oxygen contamination during measurements. I / µa I p,a / ma It has been found that an unmodified glassy carbon electrode did not provide any electrochemical response to arsenic in the potential range from -1 V to +1 V either by a cyclic or by a differential pulse voltammetry. Therefore, the glassy carbon electrode surface has been modified, according to a procedure found in literature, in order to detect the As 3+ ions in standard solutions and groundwater samples. Differential pulse voltammetry was found to be a more sensitive method for As 3+ detection if compared to the cyclic one, which was especially evident in the groundwater sample analysis, where the pronounced oxidation peaks in a measured potential range were obtained. Keywords: arsenic, groundwater, glassy carbon electrode, cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry 18
(Chemistry) ORAL PRESENTATION An Aqueous Sol-Gel Synthesis of Double and Triple Perovskites with an A2Ni(Te/W)O6 and A3Co2TeO9 Structure Type Vodena sinteza sol-gel dvostrukih i trostrukih perovskita tipa A2Ni(Te/W)O6 i A3Co2TeO9 M. Sekulić 1, *, J. Bijelić 1, A. Stanković 1, M. Medvidović-Kosanović 1, P. Cop 2, B. Smarsly 2, I. Đerđ 1 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Chemistry, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Institute for Physical Chemistry, Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, D-35392 Giessen, Germany *corresponding author: Abstract: Perovskites are the compounds with a general formula ABO 3 (A = larger cation, B = smaller cation, O = oxygen). The ideal perovskites crystallize in a cubic crystal system that can be predicted by the Goldschmidt tolerance factor formula. Their usage in modern life is widespread, mostly in the digital world, where the emphasis is on the size reduction of the electronic devices and on an expanding density of data storage. The sol gel chemistry describes a transformation of a liquid precursor into a sol and finally into a gel. These methods are very sensitive because different structures may be obtained using the same precursors, with small modifications in the reaction conditions. This study presents a citrate sol-gel route of complex metal oxides with a perovskite crystal structure type previously reported in similar compounds. The dried samples were calcined in two steps, at 600 C and 950 or 1000 C. The synthesized samples were investigated by the powder X Ray diffraction to determine a phase composition, FT IR spectroscopy to determine the presence of organic impurities, and by a thermogravimetric analysis coupled with a differential scanning calorimetry (TGA/DSC) to analyze a thermal stability of the compound and possible phase transitions. The electrochemical measurements were conducted in order to determine an oxidation state of transition metals in the reaction mixture and to determine the reaction mechanism. The in situ X-ray diffraction measurements were conducted up to 900 C to identify the structural changes during calcination. The results revealed the successfully synthesized tellurium based metal oxides with a double (A 2Ni(Te/W)O 6, A = Sr, Ba) and triple (A 3Co 2TeO 9, A = Sr, Ba) perovskite structure type. This research is a part of the Croatian Science Foundation project entitled Investigation of Complex Multiferroic Materials Prepared by the Solution Chemistry Methods under the supervision of Prof. Igor Đerđ, Ph.D. Keywords: perovskites, sol gel methods, citrate route Acknowledgments The authors express their gratitude to the Croatian Science Foundation (IP 2016 06 3115) for a full financial support and to the DAAD for a partial support via German Croatian exchange partnership (ID 57335028). 19
(Chemistry) ORAL PRESENTATION A Synthesis and Characterization of Cu(II), Fe(III), and Cr(III) Polynuclear Carboxylate Complexes Sinteza i karakterizacija polinuklearnih karboksilatnih kompleksa bakra(ii), željeza(iii) i kroma(iii) S. Zorić, T. Balić * Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Chemistry, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: The studies of structural features of polynuclear metal carboxylate complexes (known as the basic carboxylates ) are recently gaining a lot of attention because of their interesting magnetic and electronic properties. These compounds display different magnetic properties (ferro, ferri, and antiferromagnetic), depending upon a molecular and crystal structure. They can also be used as the precursors for the synthesis of higher nuclearity clusters. In this work, the polynuclear complexes with Cu(Ⅱ), Fe(Ⅲ), and Cr(Ⅲ) were synthesized by the reactions of acetic and benzoic acid with the appropriate metal salts in the presence of template molecules (hexamine and guanidine) at room temperature. The prepared complex compounds were characterized by a single crystal X ray diffraction (sc XRD), FT IR spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. Under these conditions, the crystals of two novel polynuclear (Fe( Ⅲ) and Cu( Ⅱ )) complexes were obtained and characterized by sc XRD (FeHEXOK and CuGUABA). An X ray structure analysis of FeHEXOK has demonstrated that the compound crystallizes in an orthorhombic crystal system, the P nma space group (Z=4). The complex compound is comprised of one Fe-basic acetate unit (trinuclear), a noncoordinated nitrate anion, a hexamine molecule, and of the crystallization molecules water. A positive charge of the central Febasic acetate unit is neutralized by the presence of a nitrate anion in a crystal structure, and a formal oxidation state of all three iron atoms is +3 (d 5 configuration). In the crystal structure, the molecules are primarily linked via strong O H N and O H O hydrogen bond interactions. An X-ray structure analysis of CuGUABA has proven that the compound crystallizes in a triclinic crystal system, the P -1 space group (Z=2). Interestingly, in the crystal structure of CuGUABA there are several different dinuclear Cu benzoate moieties. A molecular structure of the discrete moieties is a typical paddle wheel one, often observed in the Cu carboxylate complexes. The results of FT IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis are in agreement with proposed structures. Several other Cr(Ⅲ), Cu(Ⅱ) and Fe(Ⅲ) complexes were synthesized and characterized by FT IR and elemental analysis. Keywords: polynuclear complexes, carboxylate, copper, iron(Ⅲ), chromium(Ⅲ) 20
(Chemistry) ORAL PRESENTATION A Synthesis of Coumarin Derivatives via Knoevenagel Condensation in Green Solvents Sinteza derivata kumarina Knoevenagelovom kondenzacijom u zelenim otapalima M. Lončarić *, M. Molnar Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Applied Chemistry and Ecology, Franje Kuhača 20, HR-31 000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: Nowadays, the biologically active compounds attract considerable attention due to their various biological and pharmaceutical properties. Many of these compounds can be extracted from plants, but due to their increased use for medical purposes, they are increasingly synthesized in laboratories. Coumarins are an important class of biologically active compounds and play an important role in nature, acting as the plant growth hormones and growth regulators, participating in a respiration control, photosynthesis, and defense against infections. Coumarins are also attributed to a range of medical applications, such as the anticancerogenic, antioxidant, and anti HIV one, acting as an enzyme inhibitor, vasorelaxant, anticoagulant, an antibacterial agent, and much more. Among many reactions for coumarin synthesis (the Pechmann condensation reaction, Witting, Claisen, Reformatsky, and Kontanecki Robinson reaction), the most used reaction is the Knoevenagel condensation. An important factor in chemical synthesis is a usage of the environment friendly solvents. One of the green approaches in synthesis is a usage of the deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as the reaction media. The DESs possess many desired properties, such as a low toxicity, high availability, low inflammability, high recyclability, low volatility and low price. The aim of this work was to synthesize the coumarin derivatives via Knoevenagel condensation using the green solvents (DESs) under conditions established to be the best ones by a previously performed screening. A model reaction of salicylaldehyde and dimethyl malonate was performed in 20 different DESs at 80 C. Choline chloride was used as a hydrogen bond acceptor, and 20 other components like urea, carboxylic acids, sugars or amides were the hydrogen bond donors. ChCl:Urea (ChCl:U, 1:2) is proven to be the best solvent, which afforded a yield of 50.5%, followed by the ChCl:N-methylurea (1:3) with a yield of 45.1%. Based on the obtained results, a series of coumarin derivatives was synthesized from the substituted salicylaldehydes and dimethyl malonate, diethyl malonate, or ethyl benzoylacetate. Keywords: deep eutectic solvents, synthesis, coumarins Acknowledgement This work is partially supported by the Croatian Science Foundation within the project Green Technologies in Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds (UIP-2017-05-6593). 21
(Agriculture) ORAL PRESENTATION The Advantages of Lime Application on Acid Soils Prednosti kalcizacije kiselih tala D. Iljkić *, M. Rastija, V. Kovačević Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, HR- 31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: An open field agricultural production is very often exposed to many abiotic and biotic stresses. Soil acidity, unfavorable weather conditions, and an unbalanced nutrient supply are the main limiting factors of a field crops yield and quality worldwide, as well as in Croatia. Many authors estimated that 25 to 40% of global areas had a higher or lower level of soil acidity, and a similar situation is in Croatia. The main problem of this soil is toxicity of aluminum, manganese, and iron on one hand and a lack or an inaccessibility of elements such as phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium on the other hand. The aim of this study was to demonstrate a residual effect of liming to a grain yield and the quality of field crops. A field trial was set up in 2011 on an acid soil (ph KCl 4.01) in a randomized complete block design (RBCD) in four replicates and four treatments (0 t ha -1, 3.5 t ha -1, 7.0 t ha -1 and 14.0 t ha -1 ). Generally, liming exerted a positive effect on some chemical properties of the soil. Furthermore, in all three vegetation periods of winter wheat and two periods of maize a residual effect of liming material was significant for the yield, some tested parameters, and quality. The highest treatment increased the wheat yield by 22, 25, and 32% and the maize yield by 11%, depending of a year. At the same time, a protein content was higher by 8% in the highest treatment. Based on many field trials of ours, liming exerted a very positive effect on a grain yield and a quality and soil status. However, these effects depend on many agroecological conditions, such as a degree of soil acidity, weather conditions, the time and the amount of application, etc. Keywords: liming, yield, wheat, maize, quality 22
(Agriculture) ORAL PRESENTATION The Influence of Selection on the Traits of the Carniolan Honey Bee (Apis mellifera carnica) in Croatia Utjecaj selekcije na osobine sive medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera carnica) na području Hrvatske M. Kovačić 1,*, Z. Puškadija 1, R. Büchler 2 1 Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, HR- 31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 State Department for Agriculture of the Land of Hessen, Apicultural Institute Kirchhain, Erlenstraße 9, 35274 Kirchhain, Njemačka * corresponding author: Abstract: The Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica, Pollmann 1879) is an indigenous and unique honey bee subspecies in Croatia, characterized by its successful overwintering, explosive spring development, diligence and a good gathering activity, low aggressiveness, and a pronounced swarming behavior. In our study, we compared the differences in the characteristics of an overwintering success, colonies development, behavior, and disease resistance traits in five different lines of Carniolan honey bees. The Groups 1 to 3 were of a local origin, selected in five generations. Group 4 was of a local origin and was never subject to an artificial selection. The queens from Group 5 were from Germany and under selection for > 10 generations. The results of the study did not demonstrate significant differences between the number of bees and brood cells, but a delayed spring development of Group 5 was recorded, compared to other groups. The lowest overwintering index subsequent to both winters was recorded in Group 5, as well as a consumption of food during winter. The worst score for a defensive behavior was achieved by Groups 4 and 3 and were significantly worse than Group 5. The lowest score for the calmness on comb was achieved in Group 4, significantly worse than in all other groups. A swarming behavior was mostly manifested in Group 4, which was significantly worsely rated than the Groups 1, 3, and 5. In honey production and pollen collection there were no significant differences between the groups, as well as in a hygienic behavior, grooming, and a suppressed mite reproduction (SMR). In all the groups there was a uniform development of the Varroa population, and in Groups 4 and 5 there was a slightly lower population of mites when compared to the first three groups. Finally, Group 4 had a significantly worse selection index than Group 5, while no significant differences were found among other groups. The research results clearly indicate an importance of breeding the locally adapted bees. Keywords: Apis mellifera carnica, breeding, selection, traits, Varroa destructor 23
(Agriculture) ORAL PRESENTATION Plant Substances and Inert Dusts Natural Insecticide Formulations in the Storage Insects Control Biljne supstance i inertna prašiva prirodne formulacije insekticida u kontroli skladišnih kukaca P. Lucić *, V. Rozman Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, HR-31 000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: The aim of the research was to determine the efficacy of botanical insecticides in the form of a powder and extract, inert dusts, and a combination of botanical insecticides and inert dusts in the control of three storedproduct insects: Rhyzopertha dominica (Fab.), Sitophilus oryzae (L.), and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). The research was conducted in laboratory conditions by a series of experiments in glass containers filled with wheat and by an application on various surfaces. Nine plant species were tested as powders and extracts, as well as the six inert dusts of a Croatian origin (named after their location, i.e., MA 4, where MA stands for Markuševec and the number four stands for a sample number), together with a diatomaceous earth Celatom Mn-51. The tested plant powders on wheat indicate that a satisfactory mortality (91.0%) was produced only with regard to the R. Dominica, treated by lavandin in a dosage amounting to 8,000 mg kg -1. The application of plant extracts on glass surface produced the highest mortality of all insect species. The results of the tested inert dusts demonstrated that the highest mortality (90.0%) of R. dominica was produced with Celatom Mn-51, as well as the highest inhibition of progeny (99.19%), while a maximum mortality of S. oryzae was produced with the inert dusts D-01, MA 4, and Celatom Mn-51, which also provoked a complete progeny inhibition. A maximum mortality of T. castaneum was produced with Celatom Mn-51, and a complete progeny inhibition was achieved with the inert dusts D-01, MA 4, and Celatom Mn-51. A significant reduction of the test weight was observed at the highest LD 90 doses in the treatments with Celatom Mn-51 and inert dusts PD-1 and MR-10. The results of a tested mixture of plant powder and inert dust indicate that the highest mortality (68.0%) of R. dominica was produced with a combination of Celatom Mn-51 and lavandin at a 1:15 ratio, and the highest progeny inhibition (93.83%) was also achieved in the same treatment. Keywords: plant powder, inert dust, Rhyzopertha dominica, Sitophilus oryzae, Tribolium castaneum Acknowledgment This doctoral dissertation was funded by the Croatian Science Foundation within the project IP 11 2013 5570. 24
(Agriculture) ORAL PRESENTATION The Influence of Physical and Chemical Properties of Different Soil Types on the Optimal Soil Moisture for Tillage Utjecaj fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava različitih tipova tla na optimalno stanje vlažnosti za obradu V. Zebec 1,*, Z. Semialjac 1, M. Marković 1, V. Tadić 1, D. Radić 2, D. Rastija 1 1 Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, HR- 31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Volume Humic gleysol Luvisol Fluvisol All samples Consistency limit solid semi - solid plastic SL PL LL Water contetnt liquid Plastic properties on investigated soils (% mass) 0 20 40 60 80 Plastic limit Liquid limit Abstract: Soil plasticity is an area of soil consistency, i.e., it represents a change in soil condition due to a different soil moisture influenced by the activity of external forces. Consistency determines a soil resistance in tillage; therefore, the aim of the research was to determine the optimum soil moisture condition for tillage and the influence of chemical and physical properties of the arable land horizons with regard to the soil plasticity of three different types of soil (fluvisol, luvisol, and humic gleysol). Statistically significant differences were found between all examined soil types, such as the content of clay particles, density of packaging and actual and substitution acidity, cation exchange capacity and the content of calcium. There were also statistically significant differences between the examined types of soil pertaining to a plasticity limit, liquid limit, and plasticity index. The average established value of plasticity limit, as an important element for determining the optimal moment of soil tillage, amounted to 18.9% of the mass on fluvisol, 24.0% of the mass on luvisol, and 28.6% of the mass on humic gleysol. A very significant positive direction correlation with plasticity limits was manifested by an organic matter, clay, fine silt, magnesium, sodium and calcium, while a very significant negative direction correlation was manifested by a hydrolytic acidity, coarse sand, fine sand and coarse silt. The created regression models may estimate the optimal soil moisture condition for soil cultivation based on the basic soil properties. A model precision is significantly increased by the introduction of a greater number of agrochemical and agrophysical soil properties, and additional precision of the model may be increased by the soil type data. Keywords: soil plasticity, physical and chemical soil properties, soil type 25
(Agriculture) ORAL PRESENTATION The Impact of High-Voltage Electrical Discharge on Winter Wheat under Drought Utjecaj visokonaponskog električnog pražnjenja na ozimu pšenicu u uvjetima suše M. Ižaković 1,*, K. Jukić 2, T. Marček 1 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Franje Kuhača 20, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 BC Institute for Breeding and Seed Production of Field Crops Zagreb * corresponding author: Abstract: A modern wheat breeding industry is mostly focused on the production of genotypes, which substantiate a quality of grain and flour, high grain yield, and a resistance to stalk lodging and environmental stresses, including the pathogens and different abiotic stress factors. Drought is the most frequent abiotic stress factor that causes huge economic losses in the yields worldwide. The plants avoid drought by involving the complex mechanisms that prevent a water loss, including a stronger root development. An early developmental stage like germination is especially sensitive to water shortage. An improvement of seed germination may be achieved by various nondestructive physical methods that change the chemical properties of a seed coat while creating a special wetting ability. The chemical methods are frequently used for this purpose, but due to their negative impact on human health and the environment their usage should be minimized as much as possible. A high voltage electrical discharge (HVED) treatment is a new, physical technology in agricultural practice, which can promote a seed germination and a growth of seedlings. In this study, the effect of an HVED pretreatment on the wheat s winter genotypes exposed to drought was tested. Prior to the drought treatments, the seeds of two wheat genotypes were treated with HVED. The effect was tracked by measuring a germination rate, germination percentage, and morphometric parameters, such as a shoot and root length during several days under control, and a restricted water regime. The drought was simulated by the application of polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG), a moisture deficit, stress inducing medium. This research has provided a potential of a noninvasive HVED method in the improvement of drought tolerance pertaining to the winter wheat genotypes in an early developmental stage. Moreover, the results of this study may be beneficial for the breeders in a selection of genotypes with the best traits. Keywords: HVED pretreatment, wheat, germination, drought 26
(Agriculture) ORAL PRESENTATION The Increase of Selenium Content in Eggs by the Usage of Biofortified Maize in Hen Mixtures Povećanje sadržaja selena u jajima korištenjem biofortificiranog kukuruza u hrani kokoši B. Ljuboja *, Z. Kralik * Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, HR- 31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding authors:; Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine an influence of the selenium biofortified maize on an egg quality and an increase of selenium content in eggs at two levels (a lower and a higher one). A trial period lasted for four months, and a total of 60 hens of the Hrvatica breed, red strain, were used. The hens were divided into three experimental groups (K, P1, and P2). The hens from the K group represented a control group, and they consumed a feed mixture of a commercial composition, while the hen groups P1 and P2 consumed the mixtures in which a commercial maize was replaced with a biofortified one. The Bergxxon maize hybrid (RWA, FAO group 400) was foliarly biofortified with selenium on two levels (P1=10 g Se ha -1 and P2=20 g Se ha -1 ). The feed mixtures were balanced up to 18% of crude protein and 11.4 MJ ME/kg of feed. A premix used in the mixtures of the experimental groups did not contain selenium in its composition. The usage of the selenium biofortified maize in the feed of the Hrvatica hen breed increased a selenium content in the edible part of eggs (P<0.001) statistically significantly. Also, a statistically significantly higher selenium content was found in the egg yolks (K=0.2156 mg kg -1 ; P1=0.4256 mg kg -1 i P2=0.5180 mg kg -1 ) compared to the egg whites (K=0.0619 mg kg -1 ; P1=0.1530 mg kg -1 i P2=0.2028 mg kg -1 ; P<0.001). The used feeding treatments exerted a positive effect on the fresh and stored eggs quality indicators. Based on the analysis results, it is recommended to use the biofortified maize in hen nutrition. A reason for the recommendation is a fact that it is already possible to replace selenium in the premix with a lower level of biofortified maize, which is used in the feed in the amount of 56.5%. Keywords: hens, corn, biofortification, selenium, egg quality Acknowledgment The results used in the paper are a part of the research on the project Enriching the Eggs of the Hrvatica Hens with the Essential Microelements, funded by the Council for Research in Agriculture in the period from 2015 to 2017. 27
(Food technology) ORAL PRESENTATION The Influence of Processing Parameters on the Retention of Aroma Compounds during Wine Concentration by a Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Utjecaj procesnih parametara na zadržavanje spojeva arome tijekom koncentriranja vina reverznom osmozom i nanofiltracijom I. Ivić,*, A. Pichler Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Franje Kuhača 20, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: The reverse osmosis and nanofiltration are based on a selective membrane application. One sample fraction passes through the membrane as a permeate, and the other fraction is retained on the membrane as a retentate. Both processes can be used for the cleaning or demineralization of water and for the concentration of wine, must, milk and other beverages. In the wine industry, they are mostly used for must correction, must and wine concentration, or for the reduction of an alcohol content in wine. During wine concentration, water and ethanol are passing through the membrane as a permeate, but, depending on the processing parameters (pressure, temperature, and membrane type), some of the aroma compounds can also pass through (usually those with a lower molecular weight). Therefore, many studies on the retention of aroma compounds during wine concentration have been conducted. The aim of this study was to compare the influence of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes on the retention of volatile compounds during a concentration of white wine, at two temperatures (20 C and 30 C), on a laboratory filter with a plate module. The results demonstrated that, during the wine concentration by a reverse osmosis, the retention of aroma compounds was higher (especially the retention of aldehydes and ketones) when compared to that by nanofiltration. Both processes resulted in a high terpene retention (almost 100%). An increase in temperature did not have a major effect on the aroma retention during a reverse osmosis, but during nanofiltration the retention of acids in wine was significantly lower at 30 C. As for the ethanol in both processes, it passed through a membrane with water, but at the end of the process the ethanol content in the permeate and in the retentate was almost equal. Keywords: reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, wine concentration, retention of aroma compounds 28
(Biotechnology) ORAL PRESENTATION The Identification of Headspace Compounds, Volatiles, Fatty Acid Content and Antifungal Activity of the Extracts of Macroalga Codium bursa Identifikacija vršnih para, isparljivih komponenata, sastava masnih kiselina te antifungalna aktivnost ekstrakata makroalge Codium bursa A.-M. Cikoš 1,*, I. Jerković 2, B. Šarkanj 3, S. Jokić 1 1 Faculty of Food Technology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, University of Split, HR-21000 Split, Croatia 3 University North, Department of Food Technology, Trg dr. Žarka Dolinara 1, HR-48000 Koprivnica, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: Belonging to the family Codiaceae and to the phylum Chlorophyta, the green macroalga Codium bursa is considered to be a valuable source of compounds with various bioactivity. This study aimed to investigate its phytochemical composition and antifungal activity compared to the most common mycotoxigenic fungi, such as the Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus ochraceus, Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium verticillioides, Penicillium expansum. Codium bursa (Olivi) C. Agardh was collected in May 2018 from the Adriatic Sea and was subsequently airand freeze dried until analysis. The headspace compounds were extracted by a headspace solid phase microextraction (HS SPME), while the volatiles were extracted by hydrodistillation (HD) and a supercritical CO 2 extraction (SC CO 2), followed by gas chromatography and a mass spectrometry analysis (GC MS). A fatty acid content was determined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC FID) subsequent to a derivatization as methyl esters. The results demonstrated that a chemical composition of both headspace compounds and volatiles was remarkably different, depending on a drying process and a method used for extraction. Dimethyl sulphide was a major compound found in the headspace of a fresh C. bursa, while in an air dried C. bursa it was present as a minor constituent. In the distillate of a fresh C. bursa, heptadecane and docosane were found as the major compounds, while (E) phytol was a predominant compound found in the distillate of an air dried C. bursa, as well as in a SC CO 2 extract of a freeze dried C. bursa. The presence of loliolide was determined only in a SC-CO 2 extract. Hence, the palmitic acid (25.4%) was found as a dominant fatty acid, followed by the oleic (36.5%), linoleic (11.6%), and stearic acid (9.0%). A DMSO extract of a freeze dried C. bursa produced a good antifungal effect against the fruit associated storage fungi Penicillium expansum. This alga can be of a great interest for future investigations considering its phytochemical profile. Keywords: Codium bursa, extraction, volatiles, fatty acids, antifungal activity 29
(Food technology) ORAL PRESENTATION The Interaction of Fullerenol C60(OH)24 Nanoparticles with the Aflatoxigenic Foodborne Fungi Interakcija nanočestica fulerenola C60(OH)24 s aflatoksikogenom plijesni prisutnom u hrani T. Kovač 1,2*, I. Borišev 3, A. Lončarić 1, C. N. Ezekiel 2, 4, M. Sulyok 2, R. Krska 2, 5 1, 2, 6, B. Šarkanj 1 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Applied Chemistry and Ecology, Franje Kuhača 20, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia 2 Center for Analytical Chemistry, Department of Agrobiotechnology (IFA Tulln), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Konrad-Lorenzstraße 20, 3430, Tulln, Austria 3 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 4 Department of Microbiology, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria 5 Institute for Global Food Security, School of Biological Sciences, Queen s University Belfast, University Road, Belfast, BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom 6 University North, Department of Food Technology, Trg dr. Žarka Dolinara 1, HR-48000 Koprivnica, Croatia * corresponding author: Abstract: The fullerenols, C 60(OH) 24 (FNPs), are the water soluble fullerene C 60 daughter products that possess a great potential for a modulation of biosynthetic pathways of the secondary metabolites in the foodborne aflatoxigenic fungi. In order to clarify the extent, an FNP aflatoxigenic fungi interaction, the impact of different FNP concentrations (0, 10, 100 and 1,000 ng ml -1 ) on an aflatoxin biosynthesis pathway, and a production of emerging toxins (a non aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway) from Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3251 were examined. The fungi were cultivated at 29 C in the dark, in an extract sucrose (YES) medium during a 168 hour growth period. A diameter of the FNPs used in this study amounted to 8 nm, while a determined ζ potential amounted to -33 mv. A mycelial growth was affected at 1,000 ng ml -1, while a conidial production was slightly affected at 10 ng ml -1. The mycelia and media samples contained most of the monitored aflatoxin precursors, with an exception of the norsorolinic acid. Furthermore, the observed FNP effect was concentration dependent, and a sterigmatocystin export from the cells was altered. An antioxidative effect of FNPs subsequent to 120 hours of the growth period vanished and caused a strong concentration dependent aflatoxigenic effect till the end of the growth period (168 hrs). In case of the emerging toxins, ten of them were produced in a sum of total concentrations reaching 1,745,035 ng 50 ml -1 of the YES medium, while three of them were found only in the mycelia. The observed ratio of mycelia:media distribution amounted to 99:1. An amount of 1,000 ng ml -1 of FNPs increased the medial concentrations, while an increase in the applied concentrations of FNPs provoked a decrease of the observed mycelial emerging toxin concentrations. In addition, cordycepin was confirmed as an A. flavus secondary metabolite for the first time. An outcome of the presented study points out the relevance of a risk assessment concerning the nanoparticles and their availability in the environment in the time of global climatic changes. Keywords: fullerenol C 60(OH) 24 nanoparticles, Aspergillus flavus, aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway, emerging toxins, global climatic change 30
Sponsors and donors / Sponzori i donatori SUPPORTING PUBLICATIONS Chemistry in Industry / Kemija u industriji Croatica Chemica Acta Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology