Safety with Car Seats and Booster Seats Car crashes are the main cause of accidental death and serious injury of children. Correctly using a car or booster seat can save your child s life. Throughout the United States, there are laws that require car seat and booster seat use for children. In most states, parents or guardians by law must use a: Rear-facing car seat for infants under 20 pounds and 1 year old Front-facing car seat for children under 40 pounds and under 4 years old Booster seat for children under 80 pounds and under 8 years old Car seat and booster seat laws may differ by state. When you are traveling with children, follow the laws of the state in which you are driving. Car and Booster Seat Positions Babies until 1 year old and 20 pounds must ride rear facing in an infant car seat. 1
Bezbjednost sa običnim autosjedalicama i auto-sjedalicama bez naslona Automobilske nesreće su glavni uzrok ozbiljnih povreda i iznenadne smrti djece. Ispravno korištenje auto-sjedalica može vašem djetetu spasiti život. Širom Sjedinjenih Američkih Država postoje zakoni koji nalažu korištenje auto-sjedalica za djecu raznih uzrasta. U većini saveznih država, roditelji ili staratelji su po zakonu obavezni da koriste: sjedalice okrenute unazad za bebe čija je težina manja od 20 libri (9,07 kg) i koje imaju manje od godinu dana sjedalice okrenute naprijed za djecu čija je težina manja od 40 (18,14 kg) libri i koja imaju manje od 4 godine sjedalice bez naslona za djecu čija je težina manja od 80 (36,29 kg) libri i koja imaju manje od 8 godina Zakoni u vezi korištenja običnih auto-sjedalica i auto-sjedalica bez naslona mogu biti različiti u različitim saveznim državama. Kada putujete sa djecom, slijedite zakone države kroz koju se vozite. Kako namjestiti obične auto-sjedalice i suto-sjedalice bez naslona Bebe koje su mlađe od 1 godine života, a težine manje od 20 libri (9,07 kg) moraju sjediti u auto-sjedalicama za bebe i biti okrenute unazad. Safety Car Seats. Bosnian 1
Infants and children over 1 year old and between 20 and 40 pounds must ride in a child car seat facing forward. Children under 80 pounds (4 to 8 years old) must ride in booster seats, which make the lap and shoulder belts fit correctly. Safety Tips The back seat is the safest place for children under 12 years to ride. Never place a child in the front seat of a car or truck that has a passenger air bag. If a child is old enough to use an adult seatbelt and must ride in the front seat, secure the child correctly in the lap and shoulder seatbelt and move the front seat as far back as you can from the dashboard. Car Seats Not all car seats fit in all vehicles. When installed correctly, the car seat should not move more than one inch from side to side. 2
Djeca starija od 1 godinu života koja teže od 20 do 40 libri (od 9,07 kg) moraju sjediti u auto-sjedalicama koje su okrenute naprijed. Djeca čija je težina manja od 80 libri (36,29 kg), a imaju od 4 do 8 godina, moraju se voziti u auto-sjedalicama bez naslona (booster-sjedalicama), koje omogućavaju da se sigurnosni pojasevi pravilno stave preko krila i ramena. Savjeti u vezi bezbjednosti Zadnje sjedište je najsigurnije mjesto u autu za djecu do 12 godina. Nikada ne puštajte dijete da sjedne na prednje sjedište automobila ili većeg vozila koje je opremljeno vazdušnim jastucima. Ako je dijete dovoljno staro da može koristiti sigurnosni pojas za odrasle osobe, a u toku vožnje mora sjediti na prednjem sjedištu, pravilno obezbjedite dijete tako što ćete staviti sigurnosni pojas preko krila i ramena, a prednje sjedište pomjerite unazad tako da bude odmaknuto od table s instrumentima što je više moguće. Sjedišta u autu Sve auto-sjedalice ne odgovaraju svim vozilima. Kada se pravilno postave, auto-sjedalice se ne trebaju pomijerati više od 1 inča (2,5 cm) s jedne na drugu stranu. Safety Car Seats. Bosnian 2
Attend a car seat safety check in your community. These may be offered by your local health department. Keep harness straps snug and fasten the harness clip at armpit level. Harness straps should be at or below the shoulder level. When using a rear-facing infant seat, recline the car seat to keep the baby's head from dropping forward. Put the infant car seat carrying handle down. Infants and children should not wear heavy coats under the straps of the car seat s harness. If extra warmth is needed, use a blanket over the seat. Booster Seats Booster seats should be used until: The child meets the weight of 80 pounds and the age of 8 years old. The child s legs are long enough to naturally bend at the end of the seat. The seat belt fits across the child s lap and hips, and does not rest on the stomach. Many booster seats have a shoulder grip to pull the seat belt comfortably across the upper chest. Use the grip to improve booster seat fit to the child. If your child has special needs, talk to your doctor about the safest way to travel with your child. Copyright 2005 12/2009 Health Information Translations All Rights Reserved Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3
Uradite kontrolu bezbjednosti auto-sjedalice u mjestu gdje živite. Moguće je da ove kontrole obavlja i vaša lokalna zdravstvena ustanova. Zatezni pojasevi moraju biti udobno zategnuti, a kopča za zatezanje mora biti zategnuta u nivou pazuha. Zatezni pojasevi se trebaju nalaziti u nivou ili ispod ramena. Kada koristite auto-sjedalicu za bebe koja je okrenuta unazad, poduprite auto-sjedalicu kako bi ste spriječili da se bebina glava naginje naprijed. Spustite ručku za nošenje auto-sjedalice za bebe. Djeca ne bi trebali nositi debele kapute ispod zateznih traka autosjedalice. Ako im nije dovoljno toplo, pokrijte ih dekicom preko zateznih pojaseva i sjedalice. Sjedalice bez naslona Sjedalice bez naslona bi se trebale koristiti: sve dok djetetova težina ne bude 80 libri (36,29 kg) i dijete ne napuni 8 godina, sve dok mu noge ne budu dovoljno dugačke da se prirodno savijaju od sjedišta prema podu, sve dok mu se pojas u autu ne bude mogao staviti preko krila i kukova i više se ne bude naslanjao na djetetov stomak. Većina sjedalica bez naslona ima zateznik preko ramena koji ne stvara neugodnost kod djeteta kad se pravilno namjesti preko gornjeg dijela grudi. Koristite ovaj zateznik kako bi sjedalica bez naslona više odgovarala potrebama Vašeg djeteta. Ukoliko Vaše dijete ima posebne potrebe, porazgovarajte sa njegovim ljekarom o najbezbjednijem načinu putovanja. Copyright 2005 12/2009 Health Information Translations All Rights Reserved Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Safety Car Seats. Bosnian 3