Activity of creation of courses for professional insertion, career guidance and internship Natali Stojiljkovic (AQ)/Tatjana Anđelković (UN) ICT Networking for Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Education Programme: Erasmus + Key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action: Capacity Building in Higher Education Acronym: Ref. No: 573885-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Why this NEW activity in project? Activity of creation of courses for professional insertion, career guidance and internship is new, added value of the project that was not primarily set in the project proposal. Part of WP 4 It is recommendation to introduce this course at beneficiary institutions To develop the methodology for introduction of such course
STANDARDS FOR ACCREDITATION OF STUDY PROGRAMS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND LEVELS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Natural and mathematical sciences Students have a professional practice of 90 hours and 3 ECTS in the last year of the first and second level of studying and 90 hours and 3 ECTS in the fourth and fifth year within integrated studies. Official Gazette
Стручна студентска пракса или стручна пракса представља облик наставне активности у току студија који подразумева практичан рад студента у циљу употпуњавња теоријског, академског знања и успостављања веза са практичним знањима и искуствима неопходним за обављање будућег посла. Professional student practice or internship - represents a form of teaching activity during studying that involves the students' practical work in order to complete theoretical and academic knowledge, and establish relations between the practical knowledge and experience that are necessary for performing the future work.
Предузеће (компаније, организације, друштва, институције, мала, средња и велика предузећа, радње, удружења у јавном, државном, приватном и мешовитом власништву) које има потребе, жељу и могућности да ради на припреми, организацији и реализацији студентских пракси. Firm - (companies; organizations; societies; institutions; small, medium and large enterprises; shops; associations in public, state, private and mixed ownership) that has needs, desire and opportunities to work on the preparation, organization and realization of student practices.
Супервизор праксе лице у оквиру предузећа са одговарајућим стручним искуством и личним квалитетима које се добровољно укључује у програм реализацију стручних студентских пракси. Ово лице обавља већи број задатака и активности које су усмерене на припрему, организацију и контролу реализације студентских пракси, прати и усмерава рад студената, евалуира њихов учинак и постигнуте резултата и припрема одговарајуће извештаје Supervisor of student practice - a person within a company with appropriate professional experience and personal qualities that participates voluntarily into the realization of professional student practices program. This person performs a number of tasks and activities that are aimed at preparing, organizing and controlling the realization of student practices, monitoring and directing students' work, evaluating their performance and achieving results, and preparing appropriate reports.
Ментор праксе наставни радник на универзитету/факултету (професор, асистент, докторант) које у сарадњи са супервизором праксе врши све припремне, организационе и контролне активности неопходне за успешну реализацију студентске праксе. Ментор праксе врши коначно оцењивање остварених резултата праксе и даје подршку студенту да започети рад настави у оквиру израде дипломског рада. Mentor of student practice - a teaching staff at a university / faculty (professor, assistant, doctor) and that person in cooperation with the supervisor of student practice performs all preparatory, organizational and control activities necessary for the successful realization of student practice. The mentor of student practices gives final assessment of the achieved results and support to student to start the work with diploma thesis.
Резултат праксе представља мерљив и јасан бенефит за предузеће настао кроз самосталан рад студента на решавању конкретног проблема односно задатка. Рад студента у оквиру праксе је испланиран и координиран од стране универзитетског ментора праксе и супервизора праксе у предузећу. The result of the practice is a measurable and clear benefit for a company that has been created through a student's independent work on solving a specific problem or task. Students work within the practice is planned and coordinated by the university mentor of the practice and the supervisor of the practice in the company.
У случају када се стручна пракса одвија током формалног процеса учења, али се не сматра делом програма, препоручљиво је да се одреде исходи учења и оптерећење у Уговору о учењу. Исходи учења који су постигнути кроз стручну праксу која се не сматра обавезним делом програма, такође би требало да буду наведени у Додатку дипломе. На исти начин ти исходи учења треба да буду признати додељивањем одговарајућих ЕПСБ бодова, који су у том случају додатни у односу на стандардни број од 6о ЕПСБ бодова за академску годину. Even if professional practice is included during the formal learning process, and it is not considered as part of the program, it is advisable to determine the learning outcomes and obligations within the Learning Contracts. Learning outcomes achieved through professional practice that are not considered as a compulsory part of the program should be also listed in the Diploma Supplement. In the same way, learning outcomes should be recognized by assigning appropriate ECTS, and in this case those are additional to the standard number of 6o ECTS by the academic year.
3 ECTS at bachelor s and master s level 2 weeks Create interactions between industry and university Supervisor in company for realization of practice Develop Agreements with companies for the realization of students practice signed with companies from industry, schools. Invite students to selforganise their practice and evidence it in Faculty s documentation Special thread at the forum for Professional Internship
Минимални број часова стручне праксе је 90 сати годишње за сва образовно научна поља осим у специфичним областима поља. Од тога је 80 сати или 10 дана стручна пракса а 10 сати писање и одбрана извештаја о обављеној стручној пракси. Време предвиђено за писање извештаја и одбрану важи и за остале обиме стручне праксе Стручна пракса се оцењује нумеричким оценама од 5 до 10 и уписује се у пријаву, индекс и у додатак дипломи. Оцена стручне праксе не улази у просек оцена студирања. Стручна пракса се бодује са 30 сати, један ЕПСБ бод и улази у збир бодова минимално 60 бодова по години студија. Стручна студентска пракса није активна настава. Студентска стручна пракса може да се изводи у предузећима или јавним установама као и у сопственим лабораторијама огледним добрима или клиничким наставним базама.
The minimum number of professional practice hours is 90 hours per year for all educational fields except in specific areas. This includes 80 hours or 10 days of professional practice and 10 hours of writing and defending the reports of the performed professional practice. The time required for report writting and the defense is also applicable for other volumes of professional practice. Professional practice is assessed by numerical grades from 5 to 10 and is included in the application, index and diploma addition. The assessment of professional practice is not included in an average grade for studying. Professional practice is scored with 30 hours - 1 ECTS, and is included in a total score of at least 60 points per year of studying. Professional student practice is not an form of active teaching. Students' professional practice can be performed in enterprises or public institutions, as well as in their own laboratories or clinical teaching bases.
Form no. 2. LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION for students professional practice Participant: (name and surname, student index number) Course of study: Please accept the above-named attendee for a professional practice in Your appreciated organization/company for a month. The institution obliges students/attendee to practice. The practice is carried out in one of the prominent organizations operating in Serbia and is one of the conditions for start of the preparation of master's work. The student is obliged to perform the professional practice during the working hours of your organization, respecting all the rules and regulations applicable to your employees. In the case of any disregard of legal or inadequate conduct by the trainee in the professional practice in your organization, please inform us, and leave such a participant away from your organization and deny confirmation of professional practice. If the person has properly performed all tasks during the the professional practice, please complete the adequate paper form. This type of cooperation has multiple benefits for both, our School and your appreciated organization. For your organization, this could be useful through additional assistance in the most critical period of vacation, with participation of students of the final years of the study. Also, this type of cooperation with our School is an excellent way of selecting staff for future engagement. We want to thank you for investing in the next generation of experts through this kind of mentoring of our students. We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.подсетник-застудентску-стручну-праксу.pdf presentations/984-brossas-annie-about-professional-insertion-pdf