POKORN Alenka Međunarodni sudac/giudice internazionale/mednarodni sodnik Rođena/Nata/Letnica rojstva: 1968 Email: alenka@meudail.com Sudi od/giudice da/sodi od leta: 1988 Stran jezici/lingue straniere/znanje tujih jezikov: GB, D, SCG Područje suđenja/territorio d' arbitraggio/področje sojenja: Ocjenjivanje/Arbitraggio/Ocenjevanje/ FCI 01 - sve rase/tutte le razze/vse pasme FCI 07 - sve rase/tutte le razze/vse pasme FCI 08 - sve rase/tutte le razze/vse pasme FCI 09 - sve rase/tutte le razze/vse pasme FCI 10 - sve rase/tutte le razze/vse pasme
JASNA MATEJČIĆ Since my childhood I was surrounded with animals and sport first with horses and bit after with the dogs. My first dog was Old English sheepdog - bobtail. Under Dilemma prefix I bred and owned many champions in this breed. In 1998 I started with Shih Tzu and since than, I owned and bred numerous BIS winners and champions of Croatia, Hungary, Grand Hungarian, San Marino, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Poland, Finland, Russia, Philippines, Grand Philippines, Romania, International, World and European, many club champions including top shih tzus of all times in Croatia. Since 2007 I also dedicated myself to another wonderful breed - Lhasa Apso - fulfilling big and longtime desire In Lhasa Apsos we own top Lhasas of all times in our country, winners of BIS and Groups on many prestigious shows. Beside Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso I also own and show English Bull Terrier with great success. In 1994 I become a FCI licensed judge for FCI Group 1 (British Sheepdogs) and later FCI Group 9, FCI Group 3, Fci Group 8, Fci Group 10 and part of FCI Group 5. Till now I judged in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Latvian, Russia, Estonia, Lithuania and Norway.. I am also vice president of Club for the Tibetan breeds and president of breeding committee. Since 2012 I am also a member of Croatian Kennel Club s Commission for breeding of Utility dogs. Još od malih nogu sam bila okružena životinjama i sportom- prvo sa konjima a zatim psima. Moj prvi pas bio je pasmine Staroengleski ovčar Bobtail te sam pod prefiksom uzgajačnice Dilemma uzgojila i bila vlasnik mnogih šampiona u ovoj pasmini. 1998. godine sam kupila prvog Shih Tzu-a, a od tada sam uzgojila velik broj BIS pobjednika i prvaka raznih zemalja: Hrvatske, Mađarske, Grand Mađarske, San Marino, Austrije, Slovenije, Španjolske, Portugala, Gibraltara, Poljske, Finske, Rusije, Filipina, Grand Filipina, Rumunjske, Internacionalnih, Europskih i Svjetskih titula te mnogih klupskih šampiona uključujući i Top Shih Tzue svih vremena u Hrvatskoj. Od 2007. godine sam se posvetila još jednoj prekrasnoj pasmini Lhasa Apso- ispunivši tako svoju veliku dugogodišnju želju. Što se tiče Lhasa vlasnici smo Top pasa svih vremena u Hrvatskoj, pobjednika mnogih BIS-eva i grupa. Osim Shih Tzua i Lhasa također imam i jednu ženku Bullterijera koja postigla velik uspjeh na izložbama. 1994.godine sam položila ispit za suca, prvotno za Britanske ovčare iz FCI grupe I a zatim za FCI grupu IX, FCi Grupu III, VIII, X i dio FCIGrupe V. Do sada sam sudila u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Austriji, Italiji, Poljskoj, Finskoj, Švedskoj, Latviji, Rusiji, Estoniji, Litvi i Norveškoj Dopredsjednica sam Kluba za tibetske pasmine i predsjednica Odbora za uzgoj istog kluba. Od 2012. godine obnašam dužnost člana Povjerenstva za uzgoj športskih pasmina pasa Hrvatskog Kinološkog Saveza.
Miroslav Zidar Born 15 April 1941, has been active in the field of kynologie for 47 years. He has been breeding German Shepherds and Labradors and has been an established leader of the Karst Shepherds breedings. He has been training dogs of different breeds for 47 years, took part in international competitions, held courses on training dogs as well as presentations for judges and instructors for search and rescue dogs. Besides that, he has also given presentations on training dogs for aiding the handicapped and trained a few dogs for the blind. Miroslav Zidar has interests in German Shepherds, Dalmatians, Schnauzers, Labradors and Kraski. He was also a President of the Expertise Board, Managing Board, Board of judges, Board of examiners, Board of educations for years and Secretary to the Kennel Club of Slovenia (1991-2000), the manager of the Pedigree Book for all known breeds and the founder of the breeding examinations as well as the planned breeding establishment in Slovenia. He is known as the author of several books on dogs: Manual for Training Utility Dogs (1967), "O psih" (About Dogs) - seven editions (1971-1991), "O kraševcu" (About Karst Shepherd) - 1990 and the author of the Methodology of Giving Courses on Dog Training and he set theoretic grounds for training dogs in Slovenia. Additionally, he contributed to the translation of literature on kynologie. He was appointed the function of the International kynological judge for exterior and trail for utility dogs and Lavinian dogs in year 1963. He has been an all-round judge since 1994 and he has held the function of judging sniffer dogs since 1989. He took on the role of the Agility judge in 1992 and Obedience judge and Junior handling in year 1998. He is Editor-in-Chief of the "Kinolog" Magazine a Slovenian Kennel Club for years. He used to be member of the Committee for utility dogs FCI (1974-1979), presently he is a member of the Obedience Committee. In former Yugoslavia, he used to be a member of the Expertise Committee of the Yugoslav Kennel Club and its Board of indigenous breeds Commission. He is predominantly known as a Slovenian representative at the FCI - Assembly.
Nikola Smolić Rođen sam u Splitu 1980. godine, gdje sam završio i srednju klasičnu gimnaziju. Uz učenje antičkog grčkog i latinskog, također sam se bavio sviranjem klavira i opernim pjevanjem u glazbenoj školi. Glazba je ostala moja velika ljubav veliki dio mog života. Tijekom godina sam živio u Rusiji, Italiji i Engleskoj. Godine 1999. sam se preselio u Zagreb, gdje sam studirao psihologiju i poduzetništvo. Moj prvi izložbeni pas bio je Američki stafordski terijer, Multi Ch. Cheyenne That s The Point. Godine 2005. počeo sam sa Shih Tzu i Lhasa Apso i od tada, pod prefi ksom Dilemma sam vlasnik brojnih BIS pobjednika te smo uzgojili više od 60 prvaka u cijelom svijetu. Od 2013. sam se posvetio još jednoj divnoj pasmini Jazavčarima što je bilo ispunjenje velike i dugogodišnje želje. Što se tiče Lhasa vlasnici smo Top pasa svih vremena u Hrvatskoj, pobjednika mnogih BIS-eva i grupa. Početak sa Jazavčarima je bio više nego dobar, osvajanjem titule mladog svjetskog prvaka i pobjednika pasmine te jedne vice mlade svjetske prvakinje. Osim Shih Tzua, Lhasa i Jazavčara također imam i jednu ženku Bullterijera koja je postigla velik uspjeh na izložbama. Također, dugi niz godina sam se bavio profesionalnim izlaganjem pasa dobivši mnoge BIS-eve, skupine, europske i svjetske naslove. Međunarodni sam FCI sudac za sve pasmine iz 2., 3., 4., 8., 9., 10. FCI skupine te velik broj pasmina iz 5. FCI skupine. Također sam predsjednik kluba i odbora sudaca Kluba za tibetske pasmine u Hrvatskoj. Do sada sam sudio u Hrvatskoj, Italiji, Španjolskoj, Rusiji, Litvi, Latviji, Estoniji, Norveškoj, Danskoj, Finskoj, Švedskoj, Slovačkoj, Češkoj, Belgiji, Njemačkoj, Luksemburgu, Bjelorusiji, Ukrajini, Srbiji i Rumunjskoj. Velika čast za mene je bio poziv da sudim na Europskoj izložbi u Bukureštu 2012. godine. I was born in Split in 1980, where I received my high school education in classical gymnasium learning ancient Greek and Latin, together with classical piano and opera singing in music school. Music has remained my big love and great part of my life. Through the years I also lived in Russia, Italy and England. In 1999 I moved to Zagreb, where I studied Psychology and Entrepreneurship. My fi rst show dog was American Staffordshire Terrier, Multi Ch. Cheyenne That s The Point. In 2005 I started with Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso and since then, under prefi x Dilemma I owned numerous BIS winners and bred more than 60 champions all over the world. Since 2013 I dedicated myself to another wonderful breed - Dachshund - fulfi lling big and long-time desire. In Lhasa Apsos I own top Lhasas of all times in our country, winners of BIS and Groups on many prestigious shows, and start in Dachshunds what just amazing with one reserve World Junior Winner and one Junior World
Champion winning the breed also. Beside Lhasa Apso, Dachshund and Shih Tzu I also own and showed English Bull Terrier with great success. Also, for many years I worked as an all breed handler winning many BIS, groups, European and World Winner titles. I am International FCI judge for all Toy breeds (FCI 9), Dachshunds (FCI 4), Terriers (FCI 3), Hounds (FCI 10), Gundogs (FCI 8), Pinscher and Schnauzer Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs (FCI 2) and many breeds in FCI 5. I am also President of Club and President of judges committee of the Club for the Tibetan breeds in my country. Till now I judged in Croatia, Italy, Spain, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, Belarus, Ukraina, Serbia and Romania. It was a great honor for me to judge at the European dog show in Bucharest 2012.
ŽELJKA FON ZIDAR, FCI INTERNATIONAL JUDGE Address: SLO, Pot za Bistrico 19, 1230 Domžale. E-mail: saz@siol.net, Mobile phone: ++386 41 714 714 Awards: - The Silver Badge from the Slovenian Kennel Club - The Golden Plaque for working with young people, from the Slovenian Kennel Club I graduated with a degree in economics from the University of Ljubljana, and am now retired. For more than fifteen years I have been a regular columnist for many kennel magazines. From 2001 up until last year I also acted as assistant to the editor-in-chief of the Slovenian Kennel Club Magazine Kinolog. I translated The Encyclopedia of the Dog. by Bruce Fogle, DVM, as well as some other works into Slovenian. In 2009 the Zootechnical Department of the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, honored me with the position of a lecturer on cynology. During my career I also established junior handling in Slovenia and the Kennel Club Commission for junior handling. I helped with the regulations, books and training in junior handling, and have judged at junior handling competitions all over the world. In addition, I have held seminars on cynology in Slovenia, as well as in other countries, including China. For 15 years, I have been the president of the Commission Dog and Child., which is part of the Slovenian Kennel Club. Recently, we successfully opened the exhibition All about Dogs and the Kraški ovcar. at the Children.s Museum in Celje. Dogs have been present in my life ever since my childhood, but it was not until 1971 that I became active in cynology, together with my dog, a black Giant Schnauzer named Šaš Grintovški. He was amongst the first representatives of this breed in Slovenia, with an old German bloodline, and lived to be over 15 years old. I still remember him with fondness. I have shared my life with dogs of different breeds (German Shepherds, Dobermans and Dalmatians), but Schnauzers have remained my favorite breed. For this reason, I founded the first Schnauzer Pinscher Club in Slovenia in 1995, and have remained its president to this day.
Later on, I changed from Giant Schnauzers to the standard Schnauzer breed, and started to breed salt and pepper standard Schnauzers in my kennel Gremarti. The name of the kennel was made up of the first letters of my children.s names Gregor and Martina, both of whom are now nearly 40 years old. At the moment I am not breeding dogs, as I spend a lot of time judging abroad. My career as a judge was greatly influenced by my husband, Miroslav Zidar, who is an all-round and obedience judge. He also judged at the World Championship for Giant Schnauzers in Malnate, Italy. Although I have always preferred judging, my husband.s work in obedience training also presented an invaluable learning experience. In addition to being an international judge for FCI group 2 (Schnauzers, Pinchers and Dobermans), I am also licensed to judge group 3 (Terriers), group 4 (Dachshunds), group 5 (Spitz and Primitive types) and group 9 (Companion dogs). I have judged in 29 different countries in different shows, including a European Dog Show and a World Dog Show. I also frequently judge in special Schnauzer breed shows. At the European Dog Show, which will take place in Celje, Slovenia, in October 2010, I am going to judge different breeds of Pinschers. One day prior to the European Dog Show, the Slovenian Schnauzer Pinscher Club is organizing a Special Schnauzer and Pinscher Show. I am going to participate in the competition for the Best in Show (BIS). More than 400 Schnauzers and Pinchers are expected to participate in the show. Our Schnauzer Club is also very proud of the World Championship for Giant Schnauzers, which was held in Slovenia in 1999. During the third week of May I am judging at the Giant Schnauzer Monografica in Madrid, Spain, and I am also going to attend the ISPU meeting in Kragujevac. At the end of June I am going to participate as the judge at the Special Schnauzer Show in Finland, and in August I am going to judge Giant Schnauzers at the CACIB Mechelen in Belgium. I am truly honored to have received an invitation to your Schanuzerfest. I am sure there will be a lot of interesting things to talk about. I am looking forward to meeting the American admirers and trainers of Schnauzers. Perhaps some of you might like to visit Slovenia and the European Dog Show 2010. Welcome!