POLITIKA PRIVATNOSTI 1. Opšte Politika privatnosti pruža informacije o tome koje lične podatke Kalamper Hotel & Spa obrađuje automatizovanim sredstvima, na koji način i u koje svrhe te koja su Vaša prava kao osobe čiji se podaci obrađuju. 2. Kontrolor podataka Kontrolor obrade podataka je Kalamper Hotel & Spa, Veliki Pijesak b.b., Bar, Crna Gora tel: +382 68 333 833, E-mail: sales@hotelkalamper.me. 3. Prikupljanje i obrada ličnih podataka Zaštita Vaših ličnih podataka je za nas od posebne važnosti. Vaši će se lični podaci obrađivati samo u mjeri u kojoj je to dopušteno zakonom i koliko je potrebno za ispunjenje odgovarajuće svrhe (registrovanje, pružanje usluga, ispunjenje zakonskih obaveza i legitimnih interesa, slanje informativnih materijala i oglašavanje, slanje newsletter-a, analiza korisnika). Podaci koji se prikupljanju i obrađuju u svrhu pružanja naših usluga: Ime i prezime Datum rođenja Mjesto rođenja Pol Titula Lična adresa Državljanstvo Telefonski broj E-mail adresa Putna isprava Broj putne isprave Datum isteka Preduzeće Poreski broj PIB / JMBG Fotografija Primjedbe
Alergije Posebni zahtjevi Podaci o plaćanju Ostali načini prevoza: broj leta, vrijeme dolaska, GPS koordinate Preferencije gostiju (vrsta sobe) Kako bi mogli obrađivati gore navedene podatke (alergije i posebne zahtjeve) potrebna nam je Vaša izričita saglasnost. Datu saglasnost možete povući u bilo kojem momentu. Ukoliko ne date svoju saglasnost ili je povučete tokom našeg poslovnog odnosa, postoji mogućnostt da nećemo u potpunosti moći da pružimo naše usluge. U tom slučaju koristite naše usluge na sopstveni rizik. 4. Izrada profila Izrada profila je postupak u kojem odgovorna osoba (kontrolor podataka) prikuplja i obrađuje lične podatke u svrhu pružanja i poboljšanja usluga te personalizacije ponuda i usluga kako bi odgovarale potrebama gostiju. Odluke koje bi mogle imati pravni uticaj ili bi Vam na bilo koji način mogle naškoditi, neće biti izvršene automatizovanim sredstvima. U našem PMS sistemu možemo obrađivati sledeće podatke: ime, pol, lična adresa, državljanstvo, region, telefonski broj, e-mail adresa, dan rođenja, putna isprava, broj putne isprave, datum isteka, poreski broj (PIB/JMBG), fotografija i primjedbe. Sledeće podatke vezane za rezervaciju možemo dodati Vašem profilu: prethodne rezervacije, buduće rezervacije, fakture, ponude, potvrde, bilješke i upitnike. Lični podaci koje navedete će se obrađivati sve dok ne opozovete datu saglasnost. Datu saglasnost možete opozvati u bilo kojem momentu bez naknade i bez navođenja razloga na recepciji hotela, putem e-maila na sales@hotelkalamper.me ili na telefonski broj +382 68 333 833. 5. Fotografisanje na događajima i kursevima Imamo legitiman interes za fotografisanje na događajima i kursevima i za objavljivanje na našoj web stranici u marketinške svrhe. Ako se ne slažete s gore navedenim, možete podneti prigovor obradi i objavljivanju fotografija u bilo kom momentu na recepciji hotela, putem e-maila na sales@hotelkalamper.me ili telefonski na broj +382 68 333 833.
6. Video nadzor U svrhu javne sigurnosti video nadzor može biti postavljen na ulazu hotela, recepciji, bankomatu, kuhinjskim prostorijama, parkingu, plaži, bazenima, prostoru oko wellness objekata te oko prostorija za osoblje. Videozapisi se čuvaju na samostalnim diskovima na svakoj lokaciji, a pristup se pruža samo vanjskim zaštitarskim firmama. 7. Prenos ličnih podataka trećim stranama Vaši lični podaci se prenose trećim stranama u sledećim slučajevima: - radi poštovanja obaveze pružanja podataka koja prozilazi iz npr. Krivičnog zakona, Zakona o Krivičnom postupku i sl. i - za izvršenje usluga za Vaše potrebe izvan hotelskog područija na Vaš zahtjev (npr. taxi, rezervacija restorana, jahta itd.). Za obradu podataka o plaćanjima, bankovni procesi se prosljeđuju elektronskim putem. 8. Postupak obrade koji se sprovodi u ime kontrolora podataka Kada procesor obrađuje podatke u ime kontrolora podataka, kontrolor je odgovoran za zaštitu podataka. 9. Google Analytics Naši vebsajtovi koriste Google Analytics, servis za internet analitiku koji je napravljen od strane kompanije Google ("Gugl"). Google Analytics koristi tzv. "kolačiće" (tekstualni fajlovi koji su smešteni na kompjuterima korisnika) i koji omogućavaju analizu sajtova koji se posećuju. Informacije prikupljene od strane kolačića o posećivanju sajtova od strane korisnika se obično prebacuju na server Googla u SAD i tamo pohranjuju. U slučaju aktivacije anonimizacije IP na našem vebsajtu, IP adresa Guglovih korisnika će biti prethodno skraćena unutar države članice EU ili unutar država članica Evropske ekonomske zajednice. Samo u izuzetnim slučajevima će pune IP adrese biti dostavljene Guglovim serverima u SAD i biće skraćene tamo. IP anonimizacija je aktivna na našem vebsajtu. Ispred operatera vebsajta, Google koristi ove informacije da vrši evaluaciju korišćenja vebsajta od strane korisnika, da sačinjava izveštaje o aktivnosti na vebsajtu kao i da pruži dalje usluge u vezi sa korišćenjem vebsajta i uopšte interneta operateru vebsajta.
Skraćena IP adresa koja je pružena od strane Google Analytics unutar pretraživača korisnika se neće spajati sa bilo kakvim drugim podacima koje Google ima. 10. Trajanje obrade Obrađujemo Vaše lične podatke, podatke koji se odnose na zdravlje, podatke o alergijama i drugim posebnim zahtevima - kada je to potrebno - za vreme trajanja cjelokupnog poslovnog odnosa (od početka, izvršenja do prestanka poslovnog odnosa i do ispunjenja svih otvorenih zahtjeva u vezi sa poslovnim odnosom). Gore navedeni podaci će biti sačuvani i obrađivani dok ne opozovete datu saglasnost. Opoziv saglasnosti ne utiče na zakonitost izvršenog obrađivanja do trenutka povlačenja saglasnosti. Po završetku poslovnog odnosa Vaši će podaci biti sačuvani do isteka roka garancije, ograničenja i zakonskih rokova za naknadu štete, kao i do isteka zakonski obavezujućih rokova čuvanja podataka te do okončanja pravnog postupka u kojem su podaci potrebni kao dokazni materijal. Podaci koje ste pružili za marketinške i informativne svrhe, kao što je slanje newslettera, čuvaju se sve dok ne opozovete datu saglasnost. 11. Sigurnost podataka U skladu sa članom 28. Opšte uredbe o zaštiti podataka (GDPR), sprovodimo tehničke i organizacione mjere kako bi osigurali Vaše lične podatke od slučajnog ili namjernog manipulisanja, gubitka, uništenja, izmjene i neovlašćenog otkrivanja. - Pravo na ispravku Imate pravo bez nepotrebnog odlaganja tražiti ispravljanje netačnih ličnih podataka koji se odnose na Vas i dopuniti nepotpune lične podatke. - Pravo na brisanje Imate pravo tražiti brisanje ličnih podataka koji se odnose odnose na Vas, bez nepotrebnog odlaganja, kada su lični podaci nezakonito obrađeni, kada obrada podataka nesrazmerno ometa Vaše legitimne interese, kada lični podaci više nisu nužni u odnosu na svrhe za koje su prikupljeni te kada povučete datu saglasnost na osnovu koje se obrada vrši. Postoje razlozi koji
isključuju mogućnost neposrednog brisanja, kao npr. u slučaju zakonske obaveze čuvanja podataka. - Pravo na ograničenje obrade Imate pravo tražiti ograničenje obrade ako je ispunjeno jedno od sledećeg: osporavate tačnost ličnih podataka, ograničenje na razdoblje kojim nam se omogućuje provera tačnosti ličnih podataka; obrada je nezakonita, a Vi se protivite brisanju ličnih podataka te umjesto toga tražite ograničenje njihove upotrebe; više nam nisu potrebni lični podaci za potrebe obrade, ali Vi tražite podatke radi postavljanja, ostvarivanja ili odbrane pravnih zahteva, ili uložili ste prigovor na obradu podataka. Ako ste postavili zahtjev za ograničenje obrade, lični podaci mogu se obrađivati samo uz Vašu saglasnost ili za postavljanje, ostvarivanje ili odbranu pravnih zahtjeva. - Pravo na prenosivost podataka Imate pravo primiti lične podatke koji se odnose na Vas, a koje ste nam pružili u strukturisanom, uobičajeno upotrebljavanom i kompjuterski strojno čitljivom formatu kada: se obrada vrši na osnovu Vaše date i opozive saglasnosti ili kada se podaci obrađuju u svrhu ispunjenja se obrada sprovodi automatizovanim putem. - Pravo na prigovor Imate pravo na osnovu svoje posebne situacije u svakom trenutku uložiti prigovor na obradu ličnih podataka koji se odnose na Vas, kada je to nužno za zaštitu Vaših legitimnih interesa ili legitimnih interesa treće strane. Vaši lični podaci se više ne mogu obrađivati osim ako postoje ubedljivi legitimni razlozi za obradu koji nadilaze Vaše interese, prava i slobode ili je obrada nužna radi postavljanja, ostvarivanja ili obrane pravnih zahtjeva. Imate pravo prigovoriti direktnom marketingu u bilo kom momentu bez navođenja razloga za prigovor.
- Pravo na pritužbu Ako smatrate da obrađujemo Vaše podatke u suprotnosti s nacionalnim ili evropskim zakonodavstvom o zaštiti podataka, možete nas kontaktirati u bilo kom trenutku. Takođe imate pravo kontaktirati nadležne organe za zaštitu podataka. - Ostvarivanje Vaših prava Kako bi ostvarili gore navedena prava, molimo Vas da koristite jednu od sledećih mogućnosti: o Pošaljite e-mail na: sales@hotelkalamper.me o Dopis na adresu: Kalamper Hotel & Spa, Veliki Pijesak b.b. 85000 Bar, Crna Gora o Nazovite na broj tel.: +382 68 333 833 Ako Vas ne možemo identifikovati na osnovu podataka koje imamo, postoji mogućnost da ćemo morati zatražiti dodatne informacije za utvrđivanje Vašeg identiteta (npr. identifikacioni dokument s fotografijom). Sva pitanja mogu doprinijeti zaštiti Vaših prava i privatnosti. Menadžer hotela Snežana Pekić manager@hotelkalamper.me
1. General This data protection info sheet informs you which personal data Kalamper Hotel& Spa processes, in what way and for what purpose, in an automated manner, and what your rights as affected person (data subject) are. 2. Controller (Responsible) Controller hereinafter referred to as the Controller Kalamper Hotel & Spa, Veliki Pijesak b.b., tel: +382 68 333 833, E-mail: sales@hotelkalamper.me. 3. Collection and processing of persona data The protection of your personal data is a matter of special importance to us. Your personal data will therefore only be processed to the extent that is permitted by law and required for the fulfillment of the respective purpose (registration, provision of services, medical treatments, fulfillment of legal obligations and legitimate interests, sending information material and advertising, sending a newsletter, customer analyzes). Following personal data is collected and processed for the purpose of providing our services: First name and last name date of birth place of birth gender (male or female) residence: city, state and zip code
nationality telephone number e -mail adresse ID type (ID card or passport) and ID number expiry date, company, tax number photo, remarks, allergies special requirements credit card/payment details copy of ID card for exchange office transactions other ways of transportation:( flight number, arrival time, ) guest preferences (sea view or park view, room type) We need your explicit consent in order to process the above-listed health data (allergies and special requirements). You can revoke your consent at any time. Please note that in the event that you do not give your consent or revoke it during our business relationship, we cannot fully provide our services, hence, you take advantage of our services at your own risk. 4. Profiling Profiling is the process in which a responsible person (data controller) collects process personal data for the purpose of providing and improving the services and personalizing the offers and services to suit guest s needs. However, no decisions which could have legal effect or could harm you in any way will be made by automated means.
We can process the following data in our system PMS : Name, gender, title, personal address, nationality, region, telephone number, email-address, birthday,, travel document, date of issue, expiry date, occupation, tax number, member card, photo, remarks. We can allocate the following reservation-related data to your profile: past reservations, future reservations, invoices, offers, confirmations, notes and questionnaires. Personal data you provide will be processed until you revoke your consent. You can revoke your consent at any time, free of charge and without stating reasons at the hotel reception, by email to sales@hotelkalamper.me or by phone to number +382 68 333 833. 5. Taking photos at events and courses We have a legitimate interest to take photos at events and courses and to publish them on our website for marketing purposes. If you do not agree with this, you can object to this processing and the publication any time at the hotel reception, by email to sales@hotelkalamper.me or by phone under +382 68 333 833. 6. Video surveillance For the purpose of public security there may be video surveillance at the hotel entrance, hotel reception, exchange offices, kitchen areas, garage entrances, beach and pool-bars, area around wellness buildings and staff houses. Videos are stored on stand-alone hard disks at each location, and access is provided to external security companies, IT administration person and GM hotels.
7. Your personal data are not transmitted to third parties except in the following cases: - when we are legally obliged to transmit the data based on e.g. Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, - for services outside the hotel area, upon your request (e.g. taxi, restaurant reservation, yacht, etc.) - For payment processing purposes, your bank details are forwarded to electronic payment services. 8. Data processing on behalf of the Controller Where processing is to be carried out on behalf of the Controller by the Processor, the Controller remains liable for the protection of your personal data. 9. Google Analytics Our websites use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies" (text files stored on users' computers) which allow an analysis of the website usage. The information generated by the cookies about the use of the websites by the users are usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and are stored there. In the case of the IP anonymization activation on our websites, the Google users IP address will be shortened beforehand within European Union member states or in other states members of the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address will be transmitted to a Google server in the US and shortened there. IP anonymization is active on our websites. On behalf of the operator of our websites, Google will use this information to evaluate the use of the websites by the users, to compile reports on the website activities and to provide further services relating to website usage and internet usage to the website operator.
The shortened IP address provided by Google Analytics within the User Browser will not be merged with any other data provided by Google. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by the opt-out function on the Falkensteiner website or alternatively by an appropriate setting of their browser software; FMTG Services GmbH, however, points out to users that in this case, not all functions of our websites may be fully utilized. Furthermore, users can prevent the collection of data (including their IP address) generated by the cookies as well as the processing of this data by Google 10. Duration of the processing We process your personal data, health data, data concerning allergies and other special requirements - if necessary - for the duration of the entire business relationship (from the initiation, performance to the termination of a business relationship and until all open claims in connection with the business relationship have been satisfied in full). The above listed data will be stored and processed until you withdraw your consent to this processing. The withdrawal of your consent has no effect on the lawfulness of the data processing up to this time. After the business relationship ends, your data will be stored until expiry of the warranty, limitation and compensation periods as well as until expiry of legally binding retention periods and upon termination of any legal dispute in which the data is required as proof. The data that you have provided us for marketing and information purposes, such as for sending a newsletter, is stored until you revoke your consent. 11. Data security We are implementing technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data from accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, alteration and unauthorised disclosure as pursuant to the Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation. The security measures are being continuously improved in line with technical progress.
12. Your rights With regard to the processing of your data, you may claim the following rights under the General Data Protection Regulation and the national data protection law: - Right of access You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed. The confirmation contains the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned and recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data have been or will be disclosed and the duration of the processing. - Right to rectification You have the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and the right to have incomplete personal data completed, without undue delay. - Right to erasure You have the right to obtain the erasure of personal data concerning you without due delay when the personal data have been unlawfully processed, when the processing disproportionally interferes with your legitimate interests, when the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected and when you withdraw your consent on which the processing is based. Please note that there may be reasons that preclude immediate erasure, such as in the case of legal retention obligation. - Right to restriction of processing You have the right to obtain the restriction of processing of your data when: you contested the accuracy of the data, for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of the data; the processing is unlawful, you oppose the erasure and request the restriction of data usage instead;
we do no longer need the data for the purposes of the processing, but you require the data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or you objected to processing of the data. Where there is a request for the restriction of processing, this data will be processed only with your consent, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. - Right to data portability You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format where: we are processing the data based on your given and revocable consent or for a fulfillment of contract between us, and the processing is carried out by automated means. - Right to object You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of your personal data, necessary to safeguard your legitimate interests or legitimate interests of a third party. Your data shall no longer be processed unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. You have the right to object to be targeted by the direct marketing at any time without stating grounds for the objection. - The right to lodge a complaint If you are of the opinion that we are processing your data contrary to national or European data protection legislation, you can contact us at any time. You also have the right to contact the relevant data protection authorities. - Asserting your rights In order to assert one of the aforementioned rights, please use the following contact options:
- Email to: sales@hotelkalamper.me - Letter to: Kalamper Hotel & Spa, Veliki Pijesak b.b., Call: Phone: 382 68 333 833