1. Lastovo History Called "FUMARI"! The History of Carnival The Module of Stairs --- Field Survey in Lastvo!! --- - We find some problems about the module of stairs - This module is 200mm*870mm - So, it is difficult for people to up and down - In addition, this site is too difficult to understand Difficulties of Understands Difficulties of Movements 2. Transportation Problems
3. Why We Propose "Tarzan" Transportation --- Tarzan Enelgy Cycle!! --- - You can generate some electricities - All residents can accept this benefit - "Tarzan Fumari" could be a new transportation Tarzan Picture This transportation help your transport between upper and lower site!! Electricity New Cycle You can generate some electricities by using some playing facilities!! All residents can accept some benefits of transportation!! Transportation Residents Carnival Picture I Carnival Picture II Carnival Picture III 4. Lastvo Carnival
5. News of Lastvo Electricity Reference : SLOBODNA DALMACIJA Lastovo Trećić na kraj svijeta; Lastovo zaboravljeni otok; Lastovo napušteno od sviju. Ove se asocijacije nameću nakon vijesti da je daleki škoj ostao bez telefonskih veza, interneta i vrtića. Sad mu prijeti i isključenje struje. Tri mjeseca na ovo upozoravam sve moguće strukture, a da bi se ova nesretna situacija nekako izbjegla, da ne bi došlo do najgoreg, međutim, ništa od toga. Katastrofa! ozlojeđen je načelnik općine Lastovo Leo Katić razvojem situacije na otoku, čiji je račun blokiran zbog sudskog spora iz 2011. Općina je ovršena u iznosu do sedamdeset posto sredstava njezina izvornog proračuna, više od milijun kuna je u pitanju, pa su odgojiteljice u vrtiću četiri mjeseca bez plaće. Nažalost, ne radi se samo o njima. Nisu u pitanju samo tete u vrtiću. Imamo mi tu i vatrogasce, ukupno dvanaest ljudi prima plaće iz općinskog proračuna, svima njima je egzistencija ugrožena, a normalno funkcioniranje otoka dovedeno je u pitanje. Ne samo da lokalna vlast ne može raditi u ovakvim uvjetima kad nam se zbog blokade računa prijeti i isključenjem struje, jer ovakvu vrstu ovrhe ne bi mogle izdržati ni veće ni bogatije jedinice lokalne samouprave od Lastova, već smo cijeli mjesec dana bez telefona i interneta, a ostanemo li i bez električne energije, luka u Ublima bit će uskraćena za javnu rasvjetu pa ćemo i ovakve brodske veze, a svi dobro znamo kakve su dovesti u pitanje bez dlake na jeziku će Katić, koji napominje onima koji sada "popuju" da se moglo ovo ili ono, kako Općina nema nikakvu imovinu koju bi prodala pa namirila sredstva za koja se tereti. Račun je blokiran zbog sudskog spora iz 2011. Općina je ovršena u iznosu do sedamdeset posto sredstava njezina izvornog proračuna, više od milijun kuna je u pitanju, pa su odgojiteljice u vrtiću četiri mjeseca bez plaćecijelo vam je Lastovo kao 'Uljanik'. Ma, i gore od 'Uljanika', sve propada, otok je opustošio, nitko o nama ne vodi računa. Na otoku koji živi samo od turizma i vinogradarstva više nemate ni poljoprivrednu zadrugu... Uništena je! ogorčen je profesor Petar Grgurević
6. Let's Playing and Generating!! --- Generating Method --- - Designing benches that can generate some electricity and that people can sit!! - Designing a playing facility that generate some electricity and that children can use!! You Can Also Use as a Bench Empower Playground Able to Generate Electricity Solving The Problem!! The History of Carnival Play and Generate Electricity Play and Generate Electricity 7. Reference of Playground in Suden
CENTER STATION DESIGN --- Design Concept --In Lastovo, we can find traditional traces. We focused on Fumari and Lastovo Carnival. So we think about combining those design into our project. When we researched Lastovo, we walked around and found the way was difficult to understand for tourists. And also the steps are hard to climb up. So we decided to design some transportation system. We got the design idea from Lastovo Carnival. We saw the picture of it people took down a doll to center area by Zip line. And we used the design of Fumari into station design. When we were designing these projects, a Newspaper was published. It was about the Lastovo problem of less electricity. Zip line lift system need electricity for bringing up people. So we also considered about the generating electricity system and combined it with center station. The way of usage is not only for electricity but also for playground for children. When it is turned by children, it generates electricity. And also we designed solar benches. When children play around here, parents can sit down.
AMAMI SANJA JUMPEI LASTANVO Green Team from Co+Labo, Keio Univ.
8. The Typology of "Fumari" --- Fumari Typology!! --- - 3 type of the shape (square, cylinder, freestyle) - 2 type of the structure (single, mass) - 7 type of the material (store, brick, roof, tile) - The decorations are found on the latest "Fumari" Fumari Typology III Fumari Typology V Fumari Typology VI Fumari Typology I Fumari Typology II Fumari Typology IV
9. Lastvo Tarzan Map Marcket Station Center Station Solar Benches Planning of "e-bench" School Station Tarzan Map Lastovo, Croatia Axonometric of "e-bench" --- Lastvo Tarzan Map!! --- - "Tarzan Fumari" could be a new transportation - Connecting between "Carnival Square" and each - Via stations are in front of market and school --- e-bench in Detail --- - We also design technical bench - This bench has solar panel - We can generate some electricities Section of "e-bench" 10. Electronic Park in Detail
11. Tarzan Fumari Planning --- Design Concept --- --- Site Selection --- - We can look the center station - The area isn't used - The area has enough height from the center station - Center station looks like a "Fumari" from residential area - Renovation abandon building for "Via" Main Station South Elevation Via Station Planning Main Station Planning