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CONNECT.CREATE.COLLABORATE This platform includes a comprehensive online presence and digital practice in a from of an interactive web platform using all This platform is intended to bring together creative professionals from fields of cultural management, cultural PR and marketing strategy, curators, and artists. Bringing culture and contemporary art closer to the general public through a comprehensive approach to public art is a great challenge. Each platform partner will host a series of talks and conferences with all project partners attending in order to open discussion and dialogue about collaborative public art and contemporary avenues creating true interaction with its audience particularly the new generations. CREATIVE MOBILITY tools available from integrated social media outlets to audio and video materials. Each activity will be documented on this platform with an open door policy for active participation of the new ideas and development of the project itself. DIGITAL CULTURE Each project partner in their city would organize project Think Freedom that has several levels of collaborative public art. This project would travel together with the main project stakeholders from host city to host city. Through project organization, sharing the information and gained knowledge in project development, Think Freedom is intended as the common point of reference for each partner to have greater mutual understanding. Each project partner would organize lectures and dialogue sessions with the new generations of visual professional, including students of architecture, students of fine art, students of design. These dialogues are intended as both informational and educational on the life and work of local and international contemporary artists and best practices creating a platform for the new generations to be a part of the contemporary art scene even before they leave their studies armed with real world knowledge. NEW AUDIENCE - YOUNG ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS Each project partner would organize series of lectures and dialogue sessions with high school students about culture and contemporary art with the open call for all students participate in the act of creating by directly working with project artists on the interactive public art piece Think Freedom. It researches attitudes and ideas of new generations as a platform supporting new dialogues, interaction, and diverse aspects of their lives in the new millennia. Broadening the understanding of these students that art and culture can be vehicles for communication, for connection with each other and the world globally will generate art appreciation and new audiences. NEW AUDIENCE - YOUNGER ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS

CONNECT.CREATE.COLLABORATE Ova platforma podrazumijeva I sveobuhvatno online prisustvo u formatu interaktivne online platforme koristeći sve dostupne alate Platforma je osmišljena da poveže profesionalce kreativne industrije u poljima menadžmenta u kulturi, PR-a kulture I marketinških strategija, kustosa I umjetnika. Povezujući kulturu i posebno suvremenu umjetnost sa širom javnošću kroz sveobuhvatan pristup umjetnosti u javnim prostorima je zaista veliki izazov. Svaki član platforme će organizovati seriju razgovora i predavanja sa svim partnerima prisutnim da bi otvorili dijalog o kolektivnoj umjetnosti public arta i suvremenih načina interaktivnosti publike a posebno novih generacija. CREATIVE MOBILITY od socijalnih medija do audio i video materijala. Svaka projektna aktivnost će biti dokumentova na platformi sa omogućenom otvorenom i privatnom komunikacijom partnera te sa otvorenim vratima za sve ideje i nove aktivnosti. DIGITAL CULTURE Svaki partner projekta će u svom gradu organizovati projekt Think Freedom koji ima više slojeva interaktivnosti umjetnosti public art-a. Ovaj projekt će putovati sa projektnima stakeholderima iz grada u grad. Kroz organizaciju projekta, dijeleći informacije, saznanja i iskustva u razvoju projekta, Think Freedom je osmišljen kao zajednička referenca koja će na primaran način povezati sve partnere. Svaki partner projekta će organizovati seriju predavanja sa novim generacijama tj. studentima arhitekture, studentima likovnih akademija i dizajna. Ovi dijalozi su osmišljeni kao informativni i edukativni o životu i radu profesionalnih umjetnika i njihovih pozitivnih praksi u radu kreirajući platformu za nove generacije da bi postali dio suvremene umjetničke scene i prije nego što napuste okrilja svojih fakulteta i zakorače u svijet umjetnosti. NEW AUDIENCE - YOUNG ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS Svaki partner projekta će organizovati seriju predavanja i razgovora sa učenicima srednjih škola o kulturi i suvremenoj umjetnosti sa otvorenim pozivom svim studentima da sudjeluju u stvaralaštvu direktno radeći sa umjetnicima projekta u interaktivnom public art-u Think Freedom. Ovaj projekat istražuje ideje i stavove novih generacija kao platforma novih dijaloga, interaktivnosti i raznolikosti u njihovim životima u novom mileniju. Šireći razumijevanje ovih studenata da umjetnost i kultura mogu biti putevi komunikacije i povezivanja jedni sa drugima i sa svijetom na globalnom nivou isto tako širi konekciju sa umjetnošću koja stvara lojalnu publiku. NEW AUDIENCE - YOUNGER ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS

Think Freedom is a comprehensive public art project sending a message of peace and freedom from the heart of Sarajevo to the region, all of Europe, the America s, and the World. It incorporates sculpture, installation, performance, light, sound, film, the art of literary word, and new global communication technologies while connecting young generation with the universal power of art. A renown Bosnian born New York sculptor joins hands with young students in order to create an urban spectacle and a masterpiece and share it with host cities providing an opportunity to connect globally through art creation. MISLI SLOBODA Misli Sloboda je sveobuhvatni pristup projektu public art-a koji šalje poruku mira i slobode iz srca Sarajeva ka cijeloj Europi, Americi i svijetu. Ovaj projekat objedinjuje skulpturu, instalaciju, performans, svjetlo, zvuk, film, pisanu riječ ali i nove globalne komunikacijske tehnologije kako bi spojio mlade generacije sa univerzalnom snagom suvremene umjetnosti. Priznata bosansko - američka umjetnica pruža ruke mladim studentima da bi zajedno stvorili umjetnički masterpiece i urbani spektakl i dijele ga sa svjetskim gradovima kako bi se povezali na globalnom nivou i to kroz umjetničko stvaralaštvo.

Think Freedom accents the importance of culture as source of meaning, knowledge, values, and identity and again brands host cities as cultural centers. Connecting cities by connecting EU and non EU cities, eastern and western countries, developed and countries in development, Think Freedom breaks down borders through artistic creation and interactive contemporary art in order to bring optimism and hope to our perception of the future especially for the new generations, addressing artistic creativity as a form of free expression. Uniting new generations through series of discussions and talks about freedom, peace, and art, young high school and elementary school students are invited to join the project by writing about their ideas of freedom and how they see their future. International cooperation promotes creative forms of expression by involving the public with an understanding of how important culture is in everyday life.

Misli Sloboda izdvaja kulturu kao izvor pozitivnih vrijednosti, razumijevanja, znanja i brendira gradove domaćine kao kulturne centre suvremene umjetnosti. Povezujemo gradove spajanjem gradova zemalja iz EU i zemalja izvan EU, gradova istoka i zapada, razvijenih gradova i gradova u razvoju, razbijamo granice uz stvaralaštvo i interaktivnu suvremenu umjetnost kako bi potakli optimizam i nadu u našu percepciju budućnosti, posebno percepciju novih generacija o njihovoj ulozi u društvu, stvarajući spoznaju o umjetničkoj kreativnosti kao o važnom vidu slobodnog izričaja. Ujedinjujemo mlade serijom predavanja studentima srednjih škola gradova domaćina na temu umjetnost i sloboda, otvaramo dijalog i potičemo nova razmišljanja kako bi ti mladi ljudi svojim radom bili esencijalni dio projekta. Međunarodna suradnja promoviše oblike kreativnog izričaja direktnim učešćem šire javnosti, omogućivanjem razumijevanja važnosti kulture u svakom životu.

NGO Radio Kameleon Open Network for Human Rights and Democracy in partnership with the National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina is proposing creative platform CONNECT.CREATE. COLLABORATE. based on the experience and idea of Bosnian born New York artist Edina Seleskovic.

NVO Radio Kameleon Otvorena mreža Ljudskih prava i demokratije u suradnji sa Umjetničkom galerijom BIH predlaže suradnju na platformi CONNECT.CREATE.COLLABORATE. potaknutu od strane njujorške umjetnice bosanskohercegovačkog porijekla Edine Selesković.

Installation of the project Think Freedom composed of THOUSANDS of sculptures will be presented in over 30 cities with the unique goal of uniting the concept of freedom in the today and the tomorrow, new ideas and contemporary art, while branding each city as the city of cultural innovation. Live! QR CODE OPENING CEREMONY LIVE CAST each opening ceremony will be broadcast on FB live reaching new audience and inviting new interactions and participation. CREATIVE DOCUMENTARY in duration of 60-75 minutes creative documentary Think Freedom expands on the project audience and extends the life of the project long past the installations. It also assures the project sustainability and project reach by online broadcast of the trailer, online broadcast of the excerpts, and broadcast of the full film after its premiere. At this time all project participant contributions will be published. Creative documentary Think Freedom will premiere in New York in 2019-2020. YOUTUBE CHANNEL each installation is recorded in HD. These video provide moving images of the installation itself, video interviews conducted during the installation with local community leaders, and video of the opening reception. All video are uploaded on Think Freedom Youtube channel. INTERACTIVE ONLINE COMMUNITY social media campaign provides visibility and reach to the target audience but also builds a community around the project truly connecting all those participating in the project and those who have visited one or more installations. SOCIAL MEDIA social media campaign includes Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram with #thinkfreedom. During the installations FB campaign includes added value to reach target audience. This campaign is connected to the web platform WEB PLATFORM dynamic web platform with multi media content and modern design provides information about the project, the history of the project, and the future exhibitions scheduled as well as the artist biography and press clippings. Interviews and messages from all current host cities are presented as well as an invitation to contribute to the project through visitor s own ideas and thoughts. NEW COMMUNICATION CHANNELS AND DIGITAL MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND PR STRATEGY 57% NORTH AMERICA Project will travel to Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, and New York City in 2019-2020. In New York it will be presented at the Daag Hammerskjold Plaza on 47th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues, overlooking the 15,2 United Nations Plaza. EUROPE Project originated in Sarajevo at the Sarajevo City Hall. In 2015-2018 it is traveling to Novi Sad, Banja Luka, Ljubljana, Split, Podgorica, Skopje, Berlin, Budapest, Vienna, Brussels, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Paris, and Barcelona. Plans are developed for St. Petersburg, Oslo, and Istanbul. LATIN AMERICA Project will travel to Quito, Lima, and Buenos Aires in 2018-2019. In Ecuador it will be presented in partnership with the city of Quito. is supported by the International Association of Peace Messenger Cities as the project that will build greater relationships between its cities and its people through arts and culture. It is inviting all its member cities to be project hosts. OUR VISION Employ cultural innovation to its full capacity creating an environment for young people to think and live outside of borders and limitations and generate the endurance of freedom and creative expression as a viable path to a better future for the entire planet. Each new Think Freedom presentation requires local project partners. In each host city we work in close partnership with local authorities, local cultural institutions, youth organizations, NGO sector, and community groups. PROJECT PARTNERS PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS Project is based on local community involvement and interaction. In each host city the installation is designed in cooperation with local design and architecture college students. Local artists participate in installation presentation. Community leaders are invited to speak about their ideas of freedom and what it means to them for the footage to be included in the final creative documentary. AFRICA Project will travel to Alexandria, Egypt and Johannesburg, South Africa in 2018-2019. ASIA Project will travel to Beijing, Hong Kong, and Hiroshima in 2018-2019. City of Sarajevo has recognized as a project that unites young people all throughout the world as the largest study of attitudes and ideas of new generations - a platform supporting new dialogue, interaction, and diverse aspects of their lives in the new millennium. Sarajevo has invited all its sister and friendship cities to be project hosts. OUR MISSION Connect young OUR GOAL New generations people, communities, and cities through accepting contemporary forms of contemporary culture and art creation creative expression and culture as a while breaking down walls and borders means to generate diverse dialogue and around us finding art as the vehicle of global communication through this open platform of the new millennium. positive social impact. OUR MESSAGE Project unites high school students through series of discussions about freedom and art. They join the project by writing about their ideas of freedom and their future. These messages are then presented on the installation in their and each host new city. PROJECT PARTICIPANTS PROJECT AUDIENCE Project connects cities through audience interaction. As a public art project its audience are city inhabitants and visitors. They interact with the installation through self publishing of the installation images and by leaving their own thoughts written on banners together with messages of the audience members who had visited the installation before and after them. AUSTRALIA Project will travel to Australia in 2018-2019. 25% TARGET AUDIENCE AGE GROUPS 20% 20% 20% 15% 13-17 18-24 25-39 40-54 55+ The project joins cities by gathering over 10 000 messages of young people, asking over 600 community leaders in each host city for their ideas and guidance, and reaching over 30 000 000 audience members from Sarajevo City Hall to Daag Hammerskjold Plaza in New York. OPENING CEREMONY ceremony involves dignitaries from the local community, including officials, community leaders, members of community groups, all project participants, sponsors and partners, and local cultural enthusiasts. According to our experience so far 200-300 guests attend the opening ceremony. Each installation invites local artists to collaborate on the installation and thus the audience is expanded by their supporters as well. CREATIVE DOCUMENTARY directed by an award winning director Ahmed Imamovic, the project will be documented in a creative documentary form. This film will also study the concept and idea of freedom in contemporary culture, thinking, and everyday life through series of narratives written by regional writers and screen writers, abstracts by project artists and all written contributions. PRINT artist interviews and articles are published in local and national daily newspaper and magazines. Project description and announcement is also published in local event magazines and newspapers. OUTDOOR project outdoor campaign includes two large banners that invite audience for direct project interaction by writing their own thoughts. Large street banners are positioned in each host city. TV AND RADIO project artists give interviews in each host city to local and national TV channels and Radio stations. These interviews are scheduled both prior and during the installation. Project trailer is intended for TV ads as an announcement of the project on local TV stations. PRESS CONFERENCE each project installation will hold one press conference prior to the opening ceremony with project artist and partners in order to present the information to the media regarding the project mission and goals, information about project participants and partners. ONE ON ONE MARKETING through series of talks, project artist informs possible project partners and participants about the project ideas and activities building project audience and project community multiplying this audience in one on one communication. TRADITIONAL COMMUNICATION CHANNELS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS