Corporate events. Korporativne proslave Konferencije. Seminars Presentations. Prezentacije Predavanja. Modne revije Venčanja

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2 Korporativne proslave Konferencije Kongresi Seminari Prezentacije Predavanja Workshops Modne revije Venčanja Corporate events Conferences Congresses Seminars Presentations Lectures Workshops Fashion shows Weddings DOBRODOŠLI U TOP OF THE HUB Sinonim za luksuz sa stilom na 25. spratu poslovnog centra Ušće na vrhu Beograda WELCOME TO THE TOP OF THE HUB Synonym for luxury with style on the 25 th floor of Ušće business center at the top of Belgrade

3 Korporativne proslave CorporATE EVENTS Privatne proslave PRIVATE EVENTS Kada ste u potrazi za idealnim mestom u kojem biste želeli da ugostite Vaše goste ili klijente, a želite da im pružite VIP tretman, restoran Top of the Hub je pravo mesto za Vas. Nudimo Vam glamurozan događaj, sjajnu atmosferu i odličnu organizaciju. Prilagodljiv enterijer našeg restorana pogodan je za sve vrste poslovnih proslava. Imamo odličnu višegodišnju reputaciju u ovoj sferi poslovanja koja se ne oslikava samo u pripremanju odlične hrane i ponudi vrhunskih pića, već i u posvećenosti svakom detalju pripreme Vašeg događaja. Restoran pruža kompletnu uslugu, od jedinstvenog pogleda na Beograd, preko ljubaznog i profesionalnog osoblja, do kvalitetne i ukusne hrane. Naš dinamičan i entuzijastičan tim će pružiti Vama, Vašim gostima i klijentima kvalitet usluge na visokom nivou i neponovljiv doživljaj na jednom od najlepših mesta u Beogradu. When you are looking for an ideal place for your guests or clients and want to give them VIP treatment, the restaurant Top of the Hub is the place for you. We offer to you glamorous event, great atmosphere and excellent organization. Adaptive interior of our restaurant is suitable for all types of business events. With an excellent long-standing reputation in this business and commitment to every detail in the preparation of your event, we are well-known for an excellent cuisine and high quality drinks. The restaurant offers a complete service, from a beautiful panoramic views of Belgrade, through the friendly and professional staff, to the quality and tasty cuisine. Our team will provide to you, your guests, and your clients excellent services at a high quality standards and unique experience in one of the most beautiful settings in Belgrade. Bilo da ste prvi put kod nas ili da ste već bili gost našeg restorana, mi ćemo Vam pružiti toplu dobrodošlicu i potruditi se da Vaša proslava, večera, koktel ili ručak protekne u prijatnoj, elegantnoj i prijateljskoj atmosferi. Ukoliko organizujete privatni skup za manji broj gostiju ili raskošnu proslavu za veći broj gostiju, naš tim će sa velikim zadovoljstvom prihvatiti izazov da za Vas napravi događaj za pamćenje. Naše nenametljivo i profesionalno osoblje će se pobrinuti da svaka Vaša želja i potreba bude ispunjena dok uživate u ukusima naše kuhinje i nesvakidašnjem pogledu iz našeg restorana. Whether you are first time with us, or you have been a guest in our restaurant in the past, we will offer you a warm welcome and do our best that your gathering, dinner, cocktail party or lunch, passes in a pleasant, elegant, and friendly atmosphere. Whether you are interested in a small intimate gathering or a lavish party for many guests, our team will take great pleasure in the challenge to design and create an event to remember. Our unobtrusive and professional staff will ensure that your every wish and need will be fulfilled while you enjoy the taste of our cuisine and fabulous panoramic views from our restaurant. 4 5

4 Modne revije Fashion shows kongresi, konferencije, Prezentacije, predavanja CONGRESSES, CONFERENCES, PRESENTATIONS, LECTURES Restoran Top of the Hub je, po svojim tehničkim specifikacijama, idealan za održavanje modnih revija, predstavljanje novih kolekcija i prijema sa mogućnošću pravljenja izložbenog prostora za svaku vrstu modne prezentacije. Naš tim će Vam pomoći u kompletnoj organizaciji Vaše revije, od njenog planiranja i osmišljavanja koncepta, pa sve do konačne realizacije. The restaurant Top of the Hub, with its technical specifications, is an ideal space for fashion shows, new collections, and receptions with the option of making a display area for any style of fashion presentation. From planning and design concept to final realization, our team will help you with complete organization of your event. Naš prostor je idealno dizajniran za sve vrste Vaših poslovnih događaja. Kod nas možete organizovati kongrese, prezentacije, predavanja, konferencije, promocije, seminare, izložbe, workshop-ove... Za ovakvu vrstu događaja, samo jedna polovina našeg prostora može da primi od 185 osoba (banket postavka), 250 osoba (bioskopska postavka), do 300 osoba (koktel postavka). Možemo Vam omogućiti celokupnu tehničku podršku, posluženje i sve propratne elemente koji su Vam neophodni kako bi Vaš poslovni događaj protekao onako kako ste zamislili. Our space is ideally designed for all types of your business events. We can help you organize conferences, presentations, lectures, seminars, exhibitions, workshops, etc. For these kinds of events, half of our space can receive from 185 person (banquet setting), 250 people (cinema setting) to up to 300 people (cocktail setting). We can provide complete technical support, refreshments and all the accompanying elements that are needed to make your business event happen as you imagined. 6 7

5 Venčanja WEDDINGS Kuhinja CUISINE Da li ste ikada zamišljali svoje venčanje na vrhu Beograda, tačnije na njegovom poslednjem, 141. metru? Ovo je moguće na 25. spratu Poslovnog centra Ušće u restoranu Top of the Hub. Kada je u pitanju dan Vašeg venčanja, mogućnosti su brojne. Uživajte u jednostavno i elegantno sređenom prostoru našeg restorana koji možemo prilagoditi Vašim potrebama i željama. Prepustite nama da osmislimo i ispunimo Vaša očekivanja i da svaki detalj koji ste zamislili kreiramo baš onako kako Vi želite. Ljubazno osoblje našeg restorana će pomoći da Vaš poseban dan bude baš onakav kakvog ste ga i zamislili kako bi Vama i Vašim gostima ostao urezan u sećanju na najlepši mogući način. Dozvolite nam da prvi dan Vaše zajedničke budućnosti učinimo jedinstvenim početkom Vaših nezaboravnih uspomena. Have you ever imagined your wedding - on the top of Belgrade, its highest peak at 141 st meter? This can be done on the 25 th floor of Ušće business center, in the restaurant Top of the Hub. When it comes to the day of your wedding, the possibilities are endless. Enjoy the simple and elegantly arranged ambient of our restaurant that we can customize according to your needs and desires. Allow us to design and fulfill your expectations and every detail that you imagined, so we can make it happened just the way you want it. Friendly staff of our restaurant will help you make your special day in the exact way that you have imagined so you and your guests will cherish the memory of this beautiful event. Let us make your first moments together become unique and unforgettable memory. Naš restoran Vam pruža mogućnost izbora nekoliko ponuda švedskog stola, set menija, kao i veliki izbor sitnih zalogaja (finger food). Za Vaše važne poslovne ili privatne trenutke, možete odabrati jednu od naših ponuda ili napraviti svoju kombinaciju zalogaja po Vašem ukusu. Bilo da se radi o osmišljavanju potpuno novih ukusa za Vaš događaj ili manjoj modifikaciji već postojećih, naš tim će sa zadovoljstvom kreirati inovativne koncepte isključivo za Vas,Vaše poslovne partnere i prijatelje. Naši zalogaji će Vas sigurno oduševiti. Uživajte u najlepšim ukusima koje su za Vas pripremili vrhunski kuvari Top of the Hub-a. Our restaurant offers a several choice of buffet menus, a la carte menus, as well as a large selection of snacks or light appetizers (finger food). For your important business or private moment, you can choose from our offered menu or make your own combination. Whether you request a completely new menu for your event or a small modification to existing ones, our team will be happy to create innovative concepts exclusively for you, your business partners, and friends. Light appetizers, as an option, will surely delight you. Enjoy the most beautiful flavors that are prepared for you by the top chefs from the Top of the Hub. 8 9

6 Tehničko opremanje prostora TEHNICAL SUPPORT (FURNISHING) Dekoracija prostora Space DECORATION U skladu sa Vašim željama i tipom događaja koji želite da realizujete uz našu pomoć, stojimo vam na raspolaganju da u potpunosti tehnički opremimo prostor za potrebe Vašeg događaja. Projektori, platna, ozvučenje, osvetljenje, LCD screen, Free WI FI, postavljanje bine za držanje govora/bend In accordance with your wishes and the type of event you want to create, we are able to fully technically equip the space for your event. Projectors, screens, sound systems, light systems, LCD screen, free WI FI, setting the stage for speeches / band Svaki događaj je jedinstven i predstavlja priču za sebe. Bilo da je reč o Vašoj privatnoj proslavi, venčanju ili poslovnoj proslavi, mi smo tu za Vas da učinimo da sve izgleda onako kako ste zamislili. Naš stručni tim dekoratera Vam stoji na usluzi da ispuni svaku Vašu želju, od odabira cvetnog aranžmana, dekoracije stolova do najsitnijih detalja kao što su odabir mašni, sveća i drugih dekorativnih elemenata koji će učiniti Vaš događaj jedinstvenim i neponovljivim. Celokupna dekoracija će, uz pomoć specijalnih efekata osvetljenja u prostoru, učiniti Vaš događaj svečanijim i glamuroznijim. Each event is unique and it represents a completely new story. Whether it is a private party, wedding celebration or business event, we are there for you to make it look the way you want. Our expert team of decorators is at your disposal to fulfill your every wish, from the selection of floral arrangements, table decorations to the smallest details, such as selection of ribbons, candles and other decorative elements that will make your event unique and unrepeatable. Complete decoration, with the assistance of special lightning effects in our space will make your event festive and glamorous

7 Banketi, kokteli BANQUET, COCKTAILS Mapa prostora Floor plans pogled na stari deo Beograda view of the old part of Belgrade Bar B koktel: 230 gostiju Banket: 155 gostiju toilette cocktail: 230 guests Banquet: 155 guests ulaz entrance a liftovi elevators liftovi elevators ulaz entrance pogled na novi Beograd Sava centar view of new Belgrade Sava centar koktel: 300 gostiju Banket: 185 gostiju cocktail: 300 guests Banquet: 185 guests Bar pogled na novi Beograd, zemun view of new Belgrade, zemun 12 13

8 ZAŠTO TOP OF THE HUB? WHY the TOP OF THE HUB? ZAŠTO TOP OF THE HUB? WHY The TOP OF THE HUB? JEDINSTVENI / UNIQUE Najlepši pogled u gradu od kojeg zastaje dah sa 25. sprata čini jedinstveni doživljaj koji se ne zaboravlja. The beautiful breathtaking views of our city from the 25 th floor makes this unique experience that cannot be forgotten. POUZDANI / RELIABLE Organizovani tim zaposlenih kojima su Vaše potrebe i očekivanja prioritet. Professional team whose priority is your needs and expectations. SAVREMENI / MODERN Najnoviji trendovi i oprema kako bi Vaš događaj u potpunosti bio realizovan onako kako ste Vi zamislili. The latest trends and accessories to make your event be fully realized as you imagined

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10 reference poruka našeg tima Poštovani, Želimo da Vam se zahvalimo na poverenju koje ste ukazali restoranu Top of the Hub i našem profesionalnom timu koji će Vam biti na usluzi. Ponosno možemo da istaknemo da nam već dugo godina mnogi klijenti iz zemlje i sveta prepuštaju organizaciju svojih proslava, prezentacija, konferencija, poslovnih večera. Od svog osnivanja, restoran Top of the Hub zadovoljava najviša očekivanja klijenata i poseduje znanje, tehnologiju i što je najvaznije know how da sve to pretvori u rešenja i ideje koje imaju za cilj zadovoljavanje potreba krajnjeg korisnika. Članovi našeg tima su iskusni stručnjaci u svojim oblastima i spremni su da Vam pomognu u svakom trenutku ukoliko se za to ukaže potreba. Zahvalni smo na mogućnosti koju ste nam pružili i radujemo se budućoj saradnji. Srdačno, Tim Top of the Hub-a Dear guest, message from our team We would like to thank you for the trust you have given to the restaurant Top of the Hub and our professional team who will be at your service. We are proud to say that for many years many clients in the country and abroad have let us organize their celebrations, presentations, conferences, business dinners, etc. Since its founding, the restaurant Top of The Hub has thrived to meet the highest expectations of our clients. We possesses the knowledge, technology and most importantly know how to realize imagined ideas to meet the ones needs. Our team consists of experts in their fields, always ready to help you at any time if the need arises. We are grateful for the opportunity you have given us and we are looking forward for a future cooperation. Sincerely, Top of the Hub team 18 19

11 Top of the Hub Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/25, Novi Beograd Miloš Milinković Event Manager 069/691913